Chapter 8: Tragic Separation and the Wrath of a Monarch


after a while, the dust from the attack quickly began to clear up and everything slowly came back into view

And to the surprise of the group, instead of killing the mother and daughter with their previous attacks, like what they had expected, they both instead ended up completely unscathed. As surrounding them was a huge barrier that seemed to have blocked all their attacks.

"Huff, huff, huff, that was close. are you hurt anywhere Akeno?" exclaimed Shuri in between short breaths, as it took a great toll on her to quickly concoct a barrier around them to block the barrage of attacks aimed at them.

"M-m-mom?" Akeno stuttered

"Its okay, don't worry about me." Shuri replied

"B-b-but..." Akeno answered worriedly

"Don't worry, I'm just glad that you're okay." Shuri quickly reassured her

"Stop this meaningless struggle Shuri. I'll give you one last chance to rethink your decision. Either you come with us and allow us to eliminate the girl or you stay here and perish" shouted the voice of her Uncle.

"No! It doesn't matter what you say. I won't let you kill my daughter." Shuri quickly turned around and yelled in retort.

"Then I guess you will have to die here, along with that filthy fallen. Everyone, quickly fire and destroy that barrier"

Following his orders, everyone soon began to cast and fired spells at the barrier.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom*

"*Cough* *cough*, The barrier isn't going to last long." Shuri muttered.

"Mom?" questioned Akeno

"Don't worry, It's going to be okay. I'm going to send you away from here. Shuri quickly replied

"But, what about you?" Her daughter asked worriedly

"I'm going to stay here and wait for your father."

"Nooo! Mom, please no, let's runaway together." Akeno cried in panic.

"But I can't, I need to wait for your father here." Shuri responded softly as she gently combed Akeno's hair.

"But why! where is father when we need him? why isn't he here to protect us?" Akeno protested

"I don't know, but Im still going to wait for him here." Shuri answered, as even though she didn't know what was happening to her husband, she knew that he was also facing a problem of his own that was preventing him from coming here to protect them, which greatly worried her.

"But they'll kill you if you stay here, please mom, lets escape together." Akeno pleaded

"I'm sorry Akeno, but I have too. "Her mother responded as she tightly hugged her.

"Noooo! Please" Akeno said in tears

"You need to escape and hide somewhere, don't let them catch you." Shuri said as a magic circle soon appeared below Akeno, which quickly startled her.

"No! Mom..." before she could continue her pleas, the magic circle below her quickly began to shine and she disappeared in the next second.


"Please stay safe." Shuri said as the barrier around her quickly started to break.

And before long, under the constant barrage of attacks, it quickly shattered.


"Goodbye, Akeno."



"Damn, please don't let me be late."

Running at a rapid pace through the middle of the night, Jin could be seen looking panically in a certain direction.

The reason he was panicking was due to having have sensed earlier multiple magical signatures In the direction of the himejima's residence as he was making his way there. Which for a second caught him of guard, before quickly causing him to turn pale. As after a long moment of contemplating he quickly remembered the fact that during this period in time, Shuri and Akeno we're attacked by members of the himejima clan as well as a few of Baraqiels enemies, which in the end resulted in Shuri's death.

"How! how could I've forgotten?" he yelled out loud angrily as he continued to rush his way there

Eventually though, as he got closer, he could begin to hear the continuous sounds of explosions, which quickly caused him to pick up his pace.

'Please, please let me make it in time.' he begged as he began to get closer.

Before long, as he was a just a few feet away, he quickly caught sight of several men getting ready to fire multiple attacks at a barrier in front of them, which seemed to be close to falling apart. But what quickly caught his attention though was the lone woman inside the barrier.

'Bastards!' he cursed internally as he hurriedly tried to stop them.

But unfortunately, before he could make an attempt to stop them, their attacks were quickly launched at the barrier and in the next moment, the barrier shattered as their attacks quickly broke through and headed straight for the woman.

"Noooooo!" Jin cried out loud as he watched as the attacks quickly reached her.


He was shortly blown away back a bit from the blast of the explosion.

After a while though, as the raging winds from the blast died down and the dust began to clear up, Jin just stood where he was, petrified, staring at the scene with a look of disbelief. Not wanting to believe what was happening.

"N-n-no... please no." He stuttered.

There, laying in the middle of all the rubble and debris, laid the lifeless body of the woman who once took care of him. Someone that, as with time, he began to consider as someone important to him.

Seeing this scene, Jin couldn't help but soon feel his heart distort in pain before it soon quickly burned with rage.


"Damn, the girl escaped. Well, no worries she couldn't have gone too far. For now let's hurry and make chase." Souou yelled as he turned around and began leaving the scene.

However, just as he and his men began taking a few steps, they suddenly felt a huge pressure press upon them

"Everyone, enemy attack, hurry and get into formation" He immediately turn around and shouted.

"Did you think you could leave, just like that?" reverberated an emotionless voice.

"What! who's..." before Souou could finish completing his sentence, he was quickly cut short as what happened next quickly caused him to choke on his words.

immediately surrounding them, were a multitude of golden ripples that out of them appeared to be sticking out a variety of different weapons. From swords to spears, to daggers and halberds. Each of them excluding a dangerous and powerful aura.

Seeing the situation they were in, Souou couldn't help but quickly calm his nerves before continuing to speak.

"Who's there? What business do you have in interfering with our Himejima clan's affairs?"

"You want to know what business I have with you guys, huh?" quickly responded the voice from behind them.

Startled, Souou couldn't help but immediately turn around in order to try to get a glimpse of who the perpetrator was. But, when he saw who it was, he was quickly stupefied.

"Kid, do you even know who you are messing with? Hurry up and leave now before we kill you." he said as quickly snapped out of his daze.

"Kill me, huh? I would like to see you try." responded the perpetrator, or as we all knew to be Jin.

"Alright then, I gave you a chance. Men, hurry up and fire at him."

And on his signal everyone soon fired a barrage of attacks towards Jin.


"Humph, That's what you get for being so arrogant." Souou said with disdain as he watched as the whole area Jin was standing on was quickly covered in flames.


"Huh? W-w-what!" Souou soon stuttered in disbelief as he watched as the flames gradually began to disappear as they were all quickly swallowed by Jin who appeared to be completely unscathed from all their attacks.

"weak" Jin said with disdain as he began making his way towards them.

"Now it's my turn"


A/N: Sorry for the wait but I hope you guys enjoy.

Anyway, I kind of decided to give the mc his own peerage. Which to be honest, will just be made up of his current harem, along with some other new members that I decided I wanted to add which will mostly be girls from other animes.

So yeah, just wanted to let you guys know. Well, anyway, I hope you guys have a good day.