The Roses


Vino looked serious in observing the roses that Bryant was holding.

Oops, which rose I should choose, because I think the roses that Bryant gave me are not ordinary roses, in the sense that he has a special meaning in every color in the roses that I will choose. Vino's mind was confused as he continued to look at the roses in front of him.

"Let's just choose, this doesn't mean anything I just want to know which rose you like!" Bryant said reminding Vino to immediately choose which rose he would choose.

And because Bryant said that, it made Vino wonder more seriously with his thoughts. Because there must be another purpose to all of this.

"Ah, I don't want to, there must be another purpose for the color I will choose from this rose!" Vino said while looking away from Bryant.

"Argh come on, it's just a rose!" Bryant re-explained to make him believe that it was just an ordinary rose that would not be affected by Vino's choice later.

However, Vino was adamant not to choose the roses.

"Are you going to have the heart to leave me alone here holding these two roses!" Bryant said pitifully to Vino.

After thinking about his choice of Vino for so long, Vino finally decided to choose the flower that Bryant held.

Vino turned back to look at Bryant. And once again Vino still saw the two roses back and forth from red to white, and from white to red again.

"Okay, I take both, because I like it and you can't complain about my choices!" Vino said while chuckling kissing the two roses he was holding now.

Bryant who saw this could only smile and feel relieved at the choice that Vino had chosen. Because whatever the decision, Bryant will stay close with Vino whatever the situation and condition.

Because for him the rose is just a metaphor for Bryant's feelings for Vino. If Vino refuses both of them, then Bryant won't be allowed to approach Vino, and even then from Bryant's own opinion. If Vino chooses one of these roses, Bryant will still do everything he can to stay by Vino's side and what Vino now chooses is both so that Bryant is even relieved about that.

"Vino, thank you because you have accepted the gift of flowers from me, even though it's not something special for you!" Bryant said

"Oh come on, Bryant, don't say that. Whatever you give I'll like it, especially if you Gi..!"

Vino immediately stopped his speech when he realized that what he was about to say was too much. So he immediately covered his mouth with both hands and turned his head away from Bryant.

Bryant who realized this immediately teased Vino.

"Come on, what's next? Why did you stop? Even though I wanted to hear it, Vin!" Bryant teased as he walked and crouched in front of Vino.

Vino, who was numb and embarrassed, could only stay silent while covering his face with both hands.

"Uh, can I ask you a question?" Bryant said

"Hmmm, what?" Vino replies with no expression.

"Take a look at your dimples?"


"Yes, your dimples!" Bryant repeated.

"Why my dimples?" Vino asked Bryant back.

"Try to make a smile?"

"Seriously try to make a smile!" Bryant added because suddenly Vino covered his face and was about to laugh at Bryant's teasing.

"Hmm, this is a smile, isn't it!" Vino replied with a smile but not a sincere, alias made up by Vino.

"Argh, the smile is not sincere, can't you more enjoy it?" Bryant whined.

"What you mean?!"

"That's sweet and cute! Hehe," Bryant replied.

And spontaneously it immediately made Vino smile and happy about it. And Vino's cheeks blushed at what Bryant had just said.

Vino turned his face away from Bryant and immediately laughed out loud.

Oh, I swear, Bryant is rude to me, so this is to confidence itself. Vino thought grinning.

"Come on, let's take you back to the room, it's already hot hehe!" Vino said

"Hehe okay boss, eh, the porridge hasn't been finished yet, right!" Bryant replied as he went back to feeding Vino.

And Vino just obeyed what Bryant said, he took bribes from Bryant.

"Oh yeah Bryant, btw you weren't looking for someone at home?" Vin asked curiously.

"Hmm, why is that?" Reply Bryant

"Yeah, it's okay, I'm just curious, you've been here for a few days, haven't you been looking for by your Mom & Dad?"

"Oh come on, it's okay, hehe I'm the one being released because they already know that I'm an adult, so they won't be too concerned with the things I'm doing!" Bryant answered with his smile

"Wow, that's good! I want to be like you! But I can't do it if I don't steal that time!"

"Hey, remember that every parent has their way of educating their child, so don't ever feel insecure about it. Because behind that, your parents must love you!" Bryant said trying to give Vino a piece of advice.

"Yes, that's true, sometimes I feel like my parents are taking too much care of my life, but I'm also very grateful for what I have right now. Because yes, these are all things that have made me strong until now," Vino explained. and then smiled at Bryant.

"Hehe, Vino!" Bryant said while stroking Vino's hair gently.

"It's over, let's go back. I'm afraid Tristan will go back there and we're not in the room, come on!"

"Ah yes, let's go back soon!" Bryant replied as he pushed Vino's wheelchair.

Along the way to the patient's room again, Vino and Bryant were very busy chatting about many things.

They laughed together and joked together as if the time they had now was only for the two of them.



"Will we be able to be like this again when we are healed and can go home!" Bryant said weakly asking that.

"Hmm, why do you say that?" Vino Asking was also weak because he would also know that after the hospital, their closeness would never be the same again.

"Yeah, I'm just afraid, if later I can't be close to you anymore!" Bryant said.

"Hmmm just calm down, after coming home from here for sure, you and I will have a lot of time for the two of us, don't worry, hehe Keep my words!" Vino said with a smile full of hope that he sincerely said.