Vino's Annoyed


Bryant who heard those words from Vino, spontaneously immediately widened his smile.

Bryant smiled broadly as he pushed Vino's wheelchair back into the patient room. As if the news was so happy, Bryant could hear it straight from Vino's lips.

But Bryant's wide smile suddenly faded when he saw Tristan standing in the doorway of room 407.

Bryant pushed Vino's wheelchair slowly and expressionlessly for now. Meanwhile, Vino gave a big smile to his beloved brother.

"You know, Tristan is back?" Vino asked while giving him a big smile.

"Hehe, yes, I've been back, waiting here, there's no one at all!" Tristan answered with that flat expression, which instantly made Vino's smile fade.

"Eh, it turns out that the two of you are cool, you don't know where!" Tristan added, glancing sharply at Bryant.

"What's the matter, I'm bored in my room, so I asked Bryant to take me for a walk, yes, because you don't know how it feels to be in the room without knowing the outside and breathing the air outside. you don't feel what I feel!" Vino replied annoyed and annoyed.

Then coded Bryant to quickly usher him into the room.

"Vin.." Tristan called.

However, because Vino was already feeling annoyed and irritated, he finally ignored Tristan's existence at all.

Calls from Tristan were not answered at all by Vino.

Vino's face was flat, entering the room again. Only been happy for a while, but been messed up again about trivial things like this.


Vino said to Bryant while pointing his hand, which means that Vino asked Bryant to help him carry him back to his bed.

Bryant just smiled as he approached Vino.

Tristan who saw this immediately came to Vino and wanted to carry him. Bryant who noticed Tristan's presence immediately took a few steps back.

But when Tristan approached Vino and was about to carry him, Vino immediately lowered his hand and turned his face away from Tristan.

"Vin? Seriously are you mad at me?" Tristan asked while squatting in front of Vino.

Vino was still silent and did not answer a word to Tristan who asked the question in front of him. It seemed that this time Vino was annoyed with what Tristan had said earlier because what Tristan had said hit Vino's heart so he became annoyed.

"Seriously, you're mad at me for what I said earlier!?" Tristan asked again.

But Vino was still silent and turned his face away from his brother, he felt annoyed with Tristan because he couldn't understand Vino's condition.

"Vin answered, don't be silent like this. Vin!" Tristan said pleading to Vino.

But still the same, Vino was silent without a word or looked at him.

Bryant who saw this also could only stay silent in the corner of the room. Bryant had no intention of interrupting their conversation.

Tristan kept begging Vino so that Vino could talk to Tristan again because at this moment it felt like Tristan was starting to regret what he said earlier.

"Vin seriously Don't be like that, Yes, I won't repeat what I did earlier, I won't say anything when I don't know what happened! I'm sorry!" Tristan said as he continued to plead in front of Vino.

And after a long time, Tristan pleaded Vino finally turned to Tristan and wanted to say a word.

"Tristan, please don't repeat things like that, because I don't like things that hurt my heart!" Vino replied with a slightly annoyed expression to Tristan.

"Yeah, I promise I won't do that again!" Tristan answered with his sparkling eyes.

[phone ringing]

Tristan immediately reached for the cellphone that was in his pants pocket because suddenly there was an incoming call.

"Wait a minute, please!"

Tristan said as he stood up and left the room just as he was about to pick up the phone.

Vino spontaneously thought of all kinds of things, from Who was the call or from Papa? or another!.

Because it's very slow, Tristan picks up the phone outside the room without Vino, even though it's an important call from Papa, usually, Tristan will pick it up in front of Vino.

Vino's eyes didn't move when he saw Tristan leave the room.

And at that moment Bryant went straight to Vino and tried to cheer him up.

"Hey, why don't you smile, are you still frowning?" Bryant said while squatting in front of Vino.

"Tristan has been annoying me from the start, so I'm not in the mood, Bryant!" Vino replied while showing that he was still annoyed with Tristan.

"Well, maybe Tristan also has another reason to say that, and maybe he was out of the room picking up his phone afraid that later it was a very important thing maybe. Because I was here, so he decided to pick up the phone outside" Bryant explained with a smile at Vino.

"Hmmm yes maybe" Vino answered shortly.

"Hmmm, smile first, just a little so that it looks sweet and cute!" Bryant's spontaneous teasing made Vino smile a little.

"Hmmm Bryant"

"Yeah right here"

Bryant said as he lifted Vino's body, and carried him.

Again, Vino's eyes can't lie about this. Vino's eyes continued to look deeply into Bryant's eyes. And Vino accidentally bit his lower lip.

Bryant who saw this immediately glared at Vino.

Vino's arm wrapped around Bryant's neck and the other was in front of Bryant's chest.

Wow, I can't control it anymore, his chest is really wide. His eyes are so blue, ouch please let me loose until I bite my lower lip.

Damn ​Am I that lustful.

Vino thought.

Vino immediately looked away from Bryant and looked down to avoid eye contact with him.

After arriving at the bed Bryant lowered Vino slowly.

"Be careful, Princess, your head," Bryant teased Vino.

Vino could only smile and pinch Bryant's arm.

"Aww time to pinch anyway!" Bryant replied.

"Who's wrong is calling me princess, the right one is calling me Sweet Boy!" Vin said with a chuckle.

"Huh, can I call you sweet boy?" Ask Bryant to be sure.

"Okay, who forbids it?" Reply Vino

"Okay from this second I will call Vino Sweet Boy!" Bryant said while puffing his chest in front of Vino...

Vino who saw that could only smile and be amused by what Bryant had done.