More Closer With Bryant


I can smile again, although not completely I'm really in a good mood anymore. And that's because of Bryant, not Tristan's.

Because I feel that there is something strange about Tristan's, why does he rarely accompany me here? But instead, Bryant, who often accompanies me here, should always be beside me when I am like this.

But he's often busy, he's not clear about many things, whether it's a file from papa, whether it's taking something, whether it's a phone call and all that stuff.

I don't know why with him lately it's been like that.

It's true that now I can smile sincerely even though I'm not completely in a good mood because of Bryant, but what I want is that it was given from Tristan, not Bryant.

Even though I'm comfortable with Bryant now, if I continue like this I'm afraid later if I really like it and Bryant really can't be left.

The story is completely different from what I expected from the start.

"Vin, you're okay?" Bryant asked which made me gasp from my daydream.

"Yeah, I'm okay Bryant, just thinking about something I don't need to think about. But I'm thinking about it!" I answered Bryant.

"Aahhh yes I understand, Sweet Boy hehe!" He said with a chuckle.

"Haha, Bryant hehe!"

I answered as I got up to sit on the bed.

And Bryant sat on the edge of the bed.

He looked at me with a deep smile.

"When you come to my house, hehe I guarantee you won't meet Daniel. Just in my room hehe!" Bryant said.

"Haha ha"

"Ahh, I'm serious, Vino," Bryant said, raising his eyebrows

"Really hehe, what are you trying to play at your house hehe!" I asked curiously.

"Yes, there is hehe, it won't be a surprise if I say it now hehe!" Reply Bryant

"hehe ok just wait when I'm out of here hehe!" I replied casually to him.

(Sound of Door Opening)

I turned my head towards the door when I heard someone coming in.

Tristan hehe.

And my expectations failed because the one who entered the room was not Tristan's. But Doctor Rizal treated me.

My smile immediately shrunk and my expression flat.

"Hello Vino, how are you?" Ask Doctor Rizal to me.

He came into this room with a nurse who I guess was still young too.

Eh, don't get me wrong, doctor Rizal is still very young too.

He's also not married, I'm guessing. Judging from his face because it's like that wkwkwk.

"Ah, it's fine, doc, when can I go home, doc, seriously, I'm healthy, doc!" I explain to Doctor Rizal tried to make him believe in what I just said.

"Hehe, you want to go home, hehe, let me check first"

Doctor Rizal answered while holding my left hand.

"Hmmm it's good for the pulse, try opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue"

I just followed what Doctor Rizal said.

"Hmm, that's good if you're in a good mood, you'll get better soon, hehe. The point is that being happy can make sick people recover quickly, hehe!" He explained with a chuckle.

"Yeah, okay doc, I'm sure I'll be happy all the time hehe!"

"Hmmm, I know hehe it feels like you can go home this afternoon, hehe, drink it later when you get home!"

"Wow, I really can go home doc!"

"Yeah, because it's completely recovered"

"Wow, thanks to the most handsome doctor Rizal!" Oops, I immediately covered my mouth with my hand when I slipped into teasing Rizal's doctor.

He just laughed at what I said.

But it feels like there's something hot next door.

I glanced in the direction where Bryant was standing. And sure enough, he raised one eyebrow while staring intently at me. As if he was saying 'Why are you teasing all the doctors' without him even saying it I felt like I knew he was saying that in his heart.

I just smirked at him.

"Peace hehe" I pointed two fingers at him, which means peace greetings hehe.

"Yes, I'll go first, I want to check on other patients!"

Said Doctor Rizal

"Okay, Doctor"

I replied by giving him Regards.

And I quickly lowered my hand, because I realized that I was doing it spontaneously.

"Hi hehe," I turned to Bryant and greeted him with a grin.

And suddenly Bryant came up to me and pinched my cheek.

"Watch out, if you like to tease other guys, I'll punish you later!"

Said Bryant who was still pinching my cheek in exasperation.

"Ahhhh yeah, sorry hehe Yeah it won't be repeated!" I said while holding his wrist.

And of course, it immediately made Bryant squeak. Because when I hold his hand I give my cute face to anyone who looks at it will definitely.

And one example of a victim is Bryant.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked Bryant who suddenly cupped his hands on my cheeks.

"Hmmm, why are you so cute, Vin, sweet, handsome, can I be that?"

"What is that?" I asked Bryant teasingly.

"Oh, I'm not strong when I see your face right now, ah Vino, don't make a cute face like this, I'm not strong, I want to kiss you, I swear!" Bryant said bluntly to me.

When I heard that, I immediately smiled evilly and made my face even cuter hehe.

Oh, I'm sure that if you see me, you'll fall in love with me too, whether you're a boy or a girl, you'll be squeamish with me, hehe.

Hehe, I'm not kidding about this, hehe.

"Oh, Vin, seriously, don't make such a cute face, I swear I'm not strong, don't blame me!" Bryant said.

But I still use my super cute face to make it more squeaky. And my hand is still holding Bryant's super strong hand hehe.

The atmosphere in this room is fading for me because it feels like the only time I have now is with Bryant.

And our eyes are now locked together, so time seems to freeze and it's just me and Bryant.

Wow, why am I so nervous?

What if he's real, his eyes can't lie if Bryant really can't stand to see me with this cute face hehe.
