WebNovelWolf Boss63.64%

Explanations ... Part 2!

Bella slammed the door and threw her bag on the couch. She furiously removed her coat and threw it down.

"How could he? ... the nerve of that man ... Does he think he can just ... Urgh!" she called out into her empty apartment.

She stopped and rubbed her eyes with a sigh. She then looked at her bag.

"If he can do it, then so can I!" she said as she rummaged for her phone.

Quickly, she dialled her boss.

"Hello?" Jake answered.

"Hey Jake, it's Bella," she answered.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked. "I'm a little busy so it has to be quick, tell me what you need."

Bella took a deep breath. She paced her apartment as her anger started to boil again.

"I need you to tell Paul that you need me to come back to New York," she said.

Jake's eyebrows creased as he froze almost dropping the phone.


"I was there when he called you, saying that he needed me to stay for my expertise. I need you to call him back and tell him you need me to get back," she knew this was a long shot.

Jake sighed into the phone; she could hear other voices too.

"I can't do that Bella, because ... well it's because …" Jake wasn't sure what to tell her and Bella sighed.

"I know who he is, please just try," She begged.

Jake and the other people in the room stopped talking. Their silence lasted longer than she expected. Bella thought Paul would have told them she knew.

"You know? ... What do you know, Bella?" he asked as Embry and Quil leaned closer.

"I know he is Paul Lahote, CEO of the Lahote Development company. The one that we all work for," it still felt surreal that he was who he was.

Jake, Embry and Quil all looked at each other in surprise. Jake nodded at Embry and he walked away, opening his phone.

"Hey Embry, what's up? You're on speaker, Paul's here too" Sam asked.

"Sam, Jake's on the phone with Bella Swan. The auditor we sent to you guys. She knows about Paul. What's going on? How did she find out?" he asked.

Sam chuckled as he looked at Paul.

"Don't worry about that Embry, what does she want with Jake?" Paul asked.

"She wants Jake to tell you that he needs her to return to New York. Didn't you say to Jake that you needed her there?" Embry was really confused now.

"Just tell Jake to say that he can't or something like that," Paul said with a sigh.

"Hold on Paul, she got really mad when you rang Jake before. Do you think she will calm down if Jake says he can't do anything because you're the big boss?" Sam said Paul sighed again and rubbed his eyes.

"That's true. Embry tell Jake to tell Bella he will see what he can do. That way she can calm down a bit," he said hopefully.

"Ok," Embry hung up, still confused and went back to Jake.

"... I don't understand what's taking so long. Can you tell him or not?" Bella asked getting frustrated.

Embry whispered into Jake's ear.

"All I can say Bella is that I will talk to him and see if I can, but I can't promise it will work. Ok?" he said.

Bella sighed. 'At least that's something,' she thought as she hung up. The moment the line went dead, Jake rang Paul.

"Paul, what's going?" he asked.

"Paul's found his mate, and it's Bella Swan," Sam said with a smirk, slapping Paul on the back.

"What!" chorused three very surprised wolves.

"Yeah, that was his reaction too," he said whilst laughing. "Only one small problem, she is mad at him. Idiot here had me do a background check on her and she found out. She was pissed. "Then, he sent me to talk to her instead of going himself. She refused to listen when he did finally go to her. He told her the truth of who he is and then called Jake to demand she stay whilst she was right in front of her."

"Sam!" Paul shouted, glaring at him who held his hands up in surrender. "I found out she works for me and I was surprised. You guys know it's been some time since a woman entered my life. I didn't want history to repeat itself," Paul practically collapsed into the chair.

"Look, Paul, I've known Bella for some time now. If you explain everything to her and I mean everything! She will come around," Jake suggested.

"Exactly what I have been saying," Sam said crossing his arms across his wide chest, Paul glared at him.

Later that night after a nice long bath, Bella sat looking out of her window at the rain. She was lost in her own world when a knock startled her. Dressed in only her bathrobe she went to open it. She gasped when she opened the door. A very wet-looking Paul stood breathing heavily. His, now, see-through white shirt clung to his very defined chest. Bella gasped as she watched droplets of water fall down his neck.

Paul stepped forward; Bella could feel the heat coming off his body. She stepped back; Paul stepped forward. Every step she took backwards, he took one forward. Until she was forced to stop by the couch.

"Bella?" he said in a whisper.

Her mind had gone blank, all she could think about was his body.

"Bella?" he repeated.

She slowly lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. Bella gasped as she saw the desire burning in his eyes for her. Paul could hear her heart beating; he could smell her arousal. He stepped back and closed his eyes. That gave Bella a moment to recover. She quickly moved, putting the couch in between them.

"What are you doing here Paul?" she asked as she gripped her bathrobe tighter.

"I need to talk to you Bella, I need to explain everything. Please give me a chance to do that, promise you will hear me out," he was practically begging her, Bella sighed but nodded.

"Thank you," he said gratefully.

"Let me get you a towel so you can dry off first."

She needed him dry, he was becoming increasingly distracting. She rushed to get him some towels and stopped when she got back. In her absence, Paul had removed his shirt. His chest glistened. She dropped the towels and gasped. Paul turned around; her arousal hit him with full force.

Before he could think about it, he rushed to her and kissed her with all the passion he had been holding in. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed into the kiss. He ignited a passion in her that she never thought possible. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up. Instantly, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Then Bella moaned when she felt his erection against her thigh.

Paul walked them to one of the other doors in the room. Her bedroom. He lowered her down on the bed and leaned over her. Then he kissed down her neck, she moaned. Slowly, Paul opened her bathrobe and groaned, Bella was bare underneath. He continued down her neck, kissing along her collarbone. All Bella could do was moan.

Paul, then, kissed down her chest before latching onto a nipple, Bella writhed in pleasure. One of her hands gripped his shoulder whilst the other pulled at his hair. Urging him to move back up her body.

"Paul," she moaned out as she crashed her lips onto his.

His hand continued the path his lips had taken. Her clit was soaking wet and throbbing. She gasped as he stroked her folds up and down, her chest heaved. Bella's hands travel down his chest to his belt buckle. She frantically started to open it up.

"Off," she ordered as she pushed him up.

With a chuckle, Paul stood up and quickly removed his pants. His thick, long erection pointed straight at her. Bella groaned. She held her arms out to him, Paul didn't need telling twice.

Without waiting any longer, he lined himself up at her entrance and in one swift move, he thrust inside her. They both groaned! Paul started moving frantically. Paul wanted to savour his first time with Bella, but they were both too worked up. Bella gripped her legs around his waist as he pounded into her.

Her head swam in ecstasy, then her core exploded in flames. She screamed out as her orgasm thundered through her. With a grunt, Paul followed soon after. His wolf fought to claim her. Paul lowered his head to her outstretched neck. However, at the last minute, he turned and bit the pillow.

Once he felt in control of his wolf, he lifted himself up and stared down at her. Bella was panting, her eyes were closed, and her mouth was open.

"Beautiful," he whispered.

She opened her eyes before he crashed his lips onto hers. They kissed for a few more minutes before Paul rolled to the side.

"I still need to talk to you Bella," he said.

"I know," she panted.

After a few minutes, Bella got up and wrapped the robe around herself. She walked out into the living room and sat on the couch. Paul put his pants back on and followed her. He sat across from her, unsure of where to start.

"Did Sam tell you anything?" he asked, Bella nodded.

"A little bit, about you being burned before. There was a woman," she started, Paul nodded.

"Her name was Jessica, I met her through a work contact. I thought she was beautiful, but I wasn't interested in dating her. She always seemed to be where I was, at events, parties' things like that. I didn't think it was unusual, as her father was there as well. Her company was enjoyable, after a while I realised that I started to look for her at events."

"I started looking forward to going to things because it meant I would see her. Eventually, I asked her out and we started dating. Everything was great a first. Even though no one knew who I was, it was still clear that I was very high up in the company. I found out later that she had figured out who I was. Though I don't know how."

"I knew things weren't great with her and my friends. They didn't like that she wanted to live the high life, go to events, be seen that type of thing. I didn't, obviously, but I went for her. They didn't want me to do things I didn't want to do."

Paul rubbed his face and groaned.

"Then I started thinking about asking her to marry me, I was excited about it. They weren't but they pretended to be happy for me, I could tell. I planned it out perfectly, or so I thought. I knew she liked staying at one of my houses, not the one I live in now, this one was more modern."

"So, I lied to her telling her I had to work. Then I rushed home to put roses on the bed, and light candles. You know, the whole romantic nine yards. I was going to ask her to get something for me here and surprise her."

Bella watched him as he stared at his hands as he spoke. He fiddled with an imaginary piece of string on his pants. She took his hands and gripped them in hers, encouraging him to go on. He lifted his head and smiled at her.

"When I got home it wasn't as empty as I thought it would be. I could hear Jessica's voice coming from my bedroom. She was speaking and I thought she was speaking to me. I thought she had figured out my plan but then I heard the toilet go off. Then another voice, a male voice."

Paul gritted his teeth as the memory played out in his mind.

"He asked her if she was sure about what she was doing and if she really wanted to marry me. I was confused, I couldn't understand how she had figured it out, I thought it would have been a surprise. Then Jessica laughed and she said that ... She said she was only marrying me for what I could give her. Once she married me, she would get a divorce and take half of what I have."

"Jessica sounded so cold. He even asked her if she loved me. She laughed again and said no woman would love someone like me. A wannabe playboy that can't love anyone. I was so angry, that I barged in, and told them both to get out. I told her that her pathetic plan would never have worked. The only way, I would have married her was if she signed a prenup first. That was the one thing my friends insisted on. She tried to apologise, tried to sweet talk me but I threw them out."

"After that, I refused to go out publicly. I threw myself into work, even ignored the guys for a while. Nothing could pull me out of that funk. The day I met you, I was slowly starting to return to normal," he moved closer to her.

"When I met you, you blindsided me. Before that I had vowed never to look at another woman, then bam! It felt different than it did with Jessica. With her, it was slow and steady, but with you, it was fast and intense. When you said that you work for me, I panicked. What Jessica did to me had me so scared, that I did some stupid things."

"I know I should have talked to you, but I was stupid. I just didn't know how to handle it. Please, forgive me and give me another chance," He begged, staring into her eyes.