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Misunderstood once again!

'Forgive me, please!' Paul's words chanted in Bella's head all week.

She had told Paul she needed some time to think things over. She felt like she was in a dream. Plain girls like her do not attract the attention of guys like him. Handsome, smart, sweet, and sexy as hell. Plus, he was one of the richest people in the world. He owns one of the most successful building companies in the US.

Emily noticed Bella was more distracted than usual. At the end of the day, as Bella got ready to go, she approached her.

"Hey Bella, do you fancy going for a drink?" she asked.

Bella smiled. For a brief moment she thought about saying no but then she thought about what she would do instead. She'd be back at the apartment, eating takeout again and burning her brain cells trying to figure things out. Maybe a night out just might be the ticket she needed. Bella collected her things, turned to Emily and nodded.

"A drink sounds great," she said with a sigh.

Emily took her to a small bar near their work. As bars go this was not the most impressive or lively, but Emily assured her she would not be disappointed. The bartender approached with a smile.

"Hey Emily, the usual?" he asked, and she nodded, then he turned to Bella. "You need something to cheer you up, right?" he asked.

Bella looked at Emily in surprise, Emily smiled.

"Yeah she does, this is my friend Bella," Emily replied for her.

The bartender smiled, then disappeared and came back with two cocktails. She didn't know what was in it, but she liked it.

"Thanks, Emily, I needed this," she said with a smile as the bartender placed their second drink down, Emily patted her hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

Bella shook her head, she did want to, but what could she say? No one is meant to know about who Paul is, so she was unsure if she could explain everything correctly without letting on to who he is.

"Come on Bella, sometimes it helps to talk it out."

Bella thought for a minute. She downed the rest of her cocktail and turned fully to Emily.

"Ok, but I can't tell you all the details," Emily nodded, then Bella looked around and noticed a small booth. "Let's go over there to talk," she pointed, and again Emily nodded.

"Henry we are going to sit over there, keep them coming!" Emily shouted to the bartender, who gave them a thumbs up, Bella looked at Emily incredulously.

They sat in the booth, Henry brought another round and then Emily turned to Bella expectantly.

"Ok, well a week or so ago as I was walking home, I got attacked. I managed to get away and I ran to the one house that had its light on. I met one of the sexiest men I have ever seen, Paul. He let me in and made sure I got home safe. Then I met him again as I was going home on another day, we were talking as he walked me home, but then suddenly he had to go.!

"A few days later, I got attacked again, again I rushed to his house and thankfully he was home. Only this time I collapsed, I'd gotten hurt. When I woke up, I was in a beautiful old-styled bedroom which I figured was Paul's. As I got up, I noticed an envelope with my name on it, on a desk. I looked inside and it was a background check, he had one done on me."

"Angry, I rushed downstairs and demanded to know what was going on. I slapped him and left. Then, that hot guy you like, Sam came to explain why he did that. He told me about a girl that tried to marry him for his money. I told Sam Paul should explain the rest."

"Do you remember that guy that came with Sam the other day? You know, the people from head office?" I asked her.

She had a dreamy look in her eyes as she smiled and nodded. I knew that look. I was sure I had the same look on my face the day after I met Paul for the first time.

"Well the guy that came with Sam that's Paul. He didn't tell me that he worked at the same company. I had told him where I worked the previous day so he knew. That day I told him to forget it, that I was going back to New York so, there was no point in starting anything. He then called up my boss in front of me and told him that he needed me to stay in New Orleans longer."

"As you can imagine, I was beyond furious. I left and went home. I rang Jake, my boss, and demanded he try and get me back. He said he would do what he could. Then Paul showed up and I did something really stupid."

Emily leaned forward eager to know.

"What did you do?" she asked.

Bella sighed and again downed her drink.

"I slept with him," she said.

Emily was giddy as she squealed in delight, 'this is so juicy,' she thought to herself.

"I know I shouldn't have, but honestly Emily. If Sam showed up at your door, soaking wet from the rain. T-shirt skin tight and see-through. Then whilst you get him a towel, he takes his shirt off. What would you have done?" I asked her.

Emily's blush was my answer.

"Exactly. Afterwards, he still insisted we needed to talk and he told me about the woman Sam mentioned. She was a real piece of work. He asked me to forgive him for what he did. He said he was just scared because I'm the first woman, he has liked since her. He didn't want history to repeat itself."

Bella downed the next drink, unsure of how many they had, had.

"Have you forgiven him?" Emily asked, Bella sighed.

"A part of me wants too, I do understand why he did what he did. Another part of me thinks 'what's the point,' I will eventually go back to New York. He lives here, I live there." Bella was so confused.

Emily wasn't sure what to say either. She liked the idea of Bella staying in New Orleans longer, she was like the best friend she had never had before. However, she also knew Bella's life was in New York and it was unfair to insist she pack up and leave for a guy.

Eventually, Bella excused herself to the bathroom. She stared into the mirror and sighed once again. She had hoped coming out tonight would mean she wouldn't have to think about anything but that didn't work out. On her way back to Emily she heard her name.

"... Bella is ok. She told Emily what happened but didn't tell her who you are."

Bella stopped, a man with his back to her sat at the bar. She walked up to him and leaned on the counter next to him. Henry noticed her.

"Hey Bella, I can bring them to the table for you."

Bella sent him a small smile but then continued to stare at the man. When he heard Henry say her name the man looked up in shock and slowly turned to see her glaring at him. Sam smiled nervously at her.

"Hey Bella! Fancy meeting you here," he said his voice getting a little higher.

Bella held her hand out for the phone, Sam reluctantly gave it to her.

"Sam! Sam, what's going on?" Bella recognised Paul's voice instantly.

"What's going on Paul, is that instead of trusting me, you had me followed," Bella was calm, at least she sounded calm.

"Bella?" Paul was shocked.

Why was she there with Sam, his jealousy flared up a bit. Sam stood up and held his hands up in defence.

"It's not what you think Bella," he tried to explain but Bella glared at him.

"Listen very carefully Paul, I've made my decision. Don't come to see me. Don't send one of your friends. I don't want anything to do with a man that can't trust me when he's asked me to forgive him. As soon as I am done with the audit, which will be soon, I am going back to New York. Goodbye Paul," she hung up the phone and gave it back to Sam.

"Bella, really its ...."

Bella didn't give him a chance to explain. She returned to Emily who had noticed the commotion and they quickly left. Sam rubbed his face.

"Shit!" he called out.

Henry looked at him in surprise.

"You ok Sam?" he asked.

Sam sighed gave Henry a thumbs up and left. He needed to get back to Paul.