
"Okay now I regret stopping you," Severn started with an annoyed tone, "nothing we can do about it now though, just forget about it besides we did enough damage."

I just chuckled at what he said but felt what he was feeling. I still wanted to beat him but the damage had been done so might as well move on with it but I heard Severn say, "by the way do you have a crush in our school?"

"I just arrived which mean I barely know anyone in the school and what would that matter if I have a crush?" I retorted to which he said, "because we need some love in our lives that's why."

"What the fuck did you smoke?" I asked myself in shock, he wasn't really the type to want love so this was new for me, "when did you want a lover in your life?"

"I know this might be weird but after I left that place I slowly started to see how the world is and it's nice to have some to love." I wanted to smack him over the head and fix it which I did but he reacted with, "what was that for!?"

"Oh it seems like you really are okay, I thought to knock some sense into you but it seems like you really have changed," I replied, "right."

"But back to the topic, I actually do have someone I like and I'm trying to be good friends with her but it's hard because her friends are always blocking me," he further explained to which I added, "just beat them up."

"And make her hate me, no thanks," he answered to which I sighed, "how about me and Maia try to help by arranging something, if we can."

"That'll be the best help I can get," he said tow which I sighed, "and you should try to find someone,"

"Right, why should I, I already settled down well don't want any trouble for myself with that," I said to which he shook his head but we arrived at a nice place to drink and we went in and ordered our drinks, "you won't be saying that when you will be begging me for help to get a girl."

"I'll kill you," I told him and drank some of my beer and then he looked a bit worried for me, "what is it?"

"When was the last time you were killed?" he asked but quite while I just sighed, "last week, why?"

"You know you can't do that anymore and if you do that will cause you trouble," he replied, "if they find out yes but if they don't it will be fine."

"Right," he said and we just drank our bear while conversing for what plans we will have for school and how we will deal with the goddess's guards but it felt like it would be a cake walk compared to what we have gone up against in the past so we shouldn't really have any trouble, "did you buy Maia the new phone?"

"Yep it's at home, going to give it to her the first thing in the morning and give her a ride because where she lives is too far for her to walk everyday," he said to which I nodded and drank more of our beer but as we talked the more I could tell that he changed from his past self. Before he wouldn't really be this relaxed more like on guard but now he doesn't give a care in the world but he still was strong from what I saw today. 'The fat ass is still as strong as ever.'

The man that trained Severn was Hagress Norv, he was a man that was too big and could be called fat but didn't have an ounce of fat in him, it was all muscle and he was one of the best mercenaries from his time when he was serving but compared to my master he could only land some fatal attacks but he was still feared from his experience and strength and gave me a lot of trouble when I trained.

"Hey we better get going or the fat ass will beat me to death," he said to which I nodded and we paid the bill and went our separate ways and I was going to call mr Neil to pick me up but I thought I should work on my legs so I ran back home which was a smart and dumb idea, people were looking at me in shock but it did help me training but made me look like a crazy man.

I arrived at home around an hour later and when I entered I felt the atmosphere was heavy. I looked and saw Freya was sitting on her knees an infant of Mr Weber sweating and he was looking at her with anger and seemed he would attack, "should I come back at a different time?"

"No it's fine beside I need to inform you of something," he said to which I felt a question mark pop up on my head and then he told me something which I was shocked to put it as an understatement, "Maia's father was killed three weeks ago and it seemed she kept it hidden in fear of what my troublesome daughter would do."

I was speechless, her father was dead and she still came to school even though it was hell for her, "by the way Freya your bags are packed so get ready to leave and if you don't change in your new school you will be disowned by me and your mother, do you understand?"

She only nodded and then she went to her room and I was just shocked from what I heard about Maia. She is just a gentle little girl and she still has the will to come to school after an experience like that. I then got my head straight and sat at the table and asked, "this has to be hard for you right?"

"Yes it is but it needs to be done or she will become a nightmare in the future," he said to which I nodded, "also I need you to go and tell Maia she is invited to a dinner with us on Wednesday and she can bring her mother."

"I'll do that tomorrow," I told him and I then saw Mr Neil bring a drink for me and him to which I thanked him and I just drank it and then headed to bed, I needed to rest after today. "I'm going to bed so goodnight."


I then headed to bed and slowly tried to rest from what I learnt today hoping it would be a better day tomorrow.


I was in class waiting for Maia to come with Severn, I definitely woke up too early and I wort e a note that I left early but it seemed my old habit still was with me so I woke up around four in the morning for training but I finished it too quick and arrived at school earlier than someone should but I then heard the door open and I saw Freya's old friends come in, "why are you guys here?"

"It seems like we need to rethink the plan," one of them said, "no lets just beat him to death."

Three of them came at me with bats and I just sighed. I dodged all of there swings and made them move in a way that used more energy than it should but I also made them move outside the class because I didn't want mr Leon to get angry again but when we got outside I saw faculty to which they were shocked from what they saw but I just moved in a way that made them more exhausted.

"You guys can't win against me so give up," I told them while Lucas got more angry and lashed at me and I just sighed. Rather than dodging I punched the bat which broke from my strength and it caused everyone to become shocked, "I said you can't win so why try?"

"You caused us this so you have to suffer!" he shouted and was going to throw a hook but I just went out of the swing and attacked his side which got the air out of him and got him too stumbled back, "that enough!"

I then saw Tina was angry and had enough of this but I just looked at them with a blank face, "what we have done is something terrible, we are only going more down if you continue this!"

She seemed angry and sad at the same time but she did have a point to what she said. The only thing now was for these idiots to accept it or cause more problems for themselves. Lucas got up and was coming over to me and he said, "this is not over."

He and his friends then left but they got stopped by faculty but I just went back to my class ignoring them and I knew no teacher was going to question me as I was the victim of this so if they did, they would be in the wrong, 'let's hope this day can get better.'

I then saw Severn with Maia coming in the class and I saw that Maia was smiling this time, "Good morning you two."

"Good morning," they replied but I then saw that Severn had a look of annoyance, "is something up?"

"Yes, it's Maia's landlord, he is an annoying fuck," he said to which I knew it was something big rather than small, "what happened?"

"I'll tell you later, I need to get to my class," he said as he felt so it was me and Maia, "are you going to tell me?"

"It's better if he explained, you will get a better understanding from him and the thing is it's kind of harder for me to explain," she explained to which I nodded and then slowly more people came in but people were giving me death glares, mainly the guys while the girls greeted with a smile which I didn't understand but I greeted them back. Mr Leon then came in and started the lesson but after explaining the work I just took notes but then the door was opened and a guy a little shorter than me had scarlet hair and eyes and he was followed by three guys that were bigger than a normal student.

"May I help you?" asked Mr Leon and he answered, "yes I would like to have a talk with Mr Dyers."

He looked over to me but I said, "if you want to have a talk with me do it at break or lunch beside I have a lesson now."

"You heard him, so leave," Mr Leon backed me up so I nodded to him, "I know that but I got authorisation by the principle and it is something important so please comply with my demand."

I was going to say something but Mr Leon gave me a look to which meant for to do as they say which I just got up and followed them but I was not in the mood for this. "Thank you for listening to what I asked for."

We then walked for a while and then he stopped and said, "so Mr Dyers I need to ask you for you to strip."

I just gave him a blank look like he was crazy, "what in the world do you need from me you weirdo, is this because of Freya?"

"Yes it is, you have caused a problem for the goddesses and you need to be punished, the principle allowed this so please listen," he said to which I just sighed and got in my fighting stance to get ready to fight, "seems like this might take some time."

His three lacky's then came at me but I just dodged them and gave myself some distance so they had to work harder for them to come at me but I also took of my mask so I could breath better because I had to take this fight a little bit more serious than any fight I had till arriving here.

I then jumped and gave a kick to one of the guys head and then I also turned and gave a back kick to his temple which that caused him to stumble backward and then I had to deal with his friends which I gave them one of them a calf kick and the gave the other guy a punch to his nose which broke.

"Come on, I need to see what this school is made of."