An Apostle

I just continued to attack the three giants while they tried to block or fight back which didn't workout for them. I have spent my entire life fighting and perfectly all the martial arts I learnt while these guys were only just thugs that learnt the basics. "Is this all you have to offer or I'm I going to see some real fighters?"

I told him that he just had a smile on his face, "that's enough for now, you will see a real fighter later so be ready."

Once he said that he fell and the three beaten up idiots followed him while I returned to class but I couldn't put on my mask because it was ripped so I put it in my pocket and when I returned everyone was looking at me like they never met me. "I'm back."

I then went to my seat and started to take note while also having the thought of what will happen later, not like it can affect me but it might affect Maia so I need to see how it will start and I might need Severn to let loose and set the ground that no one is allowed to harm her.

As lunch came by me and Maia left but along the way I told her, "Maia on Wednesday miss Weber invited you and your mother for dinner, so please tell your mother about it."

"Wait... what for?" She asked to which I told her the truth, "for us to start a new leaf and for you to be able to let out anything you need."

She was shocked by what I said and was trying to say no but I made her say yes and when she said yes I had a small smile on my face, "is Severn coming?"

"No he isn't but it might change knowing him," I told her, Severn is the type of person to get his way a lot of times but he's never been able to do it with me but because I was sharp and never let him do anything which I said no too, this time it was miss Weber who wanted to this so he could do anything he wanted and she wouldn't know. She might even let him come because of how he can fool nearly everyone.

Along the way we met Severn and he rushed over and grabbed Maia and hugged her like there was no tomorrow, "what happened to you?"

"Maia please tell me that asshole didn't do anything to you?" he said to which I had no idea what he was going on about, "what happened to you?"

"Her landlord is an asshole like you never met before, he could even rival your uncle," he said to which my brow rose, "can you explain and let go of Maia, you might strangle her from how you're hugging her."

He let go of her and then started to explain what happened when he got there, "the first thing that happened when I arrived there was I heard a moaning, really loud one."

"Then randomly he opened the window and there is was naked with his wife or something doing it like he didn't care and when he saw Maia he said, 'we'll be a happy soon enough dear'." when he finished I felt my anger rising but I kept it down and we went to the cafeteria but when we arrived I felt a lot of gazes on me.

I then saw someone come toward me with a punch but I just put my guard up and then he saw he was surprised, "is that supposed to be a type of greeting?"

"In a way... but just take your beating like a dog and you won't be bothered by anyone," he said with a smirk, he seemed to have a resemblance to Lucas but was older but I just got in my fighting stance and then dashed toward him faster than he could react. I then punched his liver and that sent him a good distance away. He was definitely out of breath after the amount of power I used when he saw me with his annoying smile, "seems stronger than I thought."

Once he said that he then did something which surprised me, he copied my move but he was slower than me but still fast for normal people to react, I just blocked it and then gave a knee to his face while grabbing his head. He couldn't block it because of my speed and that caused him to stumble because it connected perfectly.

"I thought you guys were supposed to be stronger but your still weak," I told him while he was on the floor trying to get up but I just went near and kicked his face in which knocked him out, I looked at him to which I felt a little bad but it happened and if I didn't fight Maia would have gotten hurt.

"Well this is going to be a bit of a problem," I heard a feminine voice which I turned and I saw a girl that was older than me having silver hair and eyes and her body seemed to be perfect but behind her were two guys but they seemed more like servant to her, "what do you mean?"

"Oh just that you're going to have to fight the two behind me," she said with a smile but I just sighed, "Maia go get some food I'll eat later."

She and Severn left but I could tell that Severn was trying to get noticed but I then turned back to them, "let's not do this besides nothing will come out of it."

"I know but it's not my orders it's the principles, anyone who disturbs the goddess or the apostles will have this happen," she explained and I just sighed heavily, 'might as well scare them.'

"Listen here if you really want to fight... you just have to ask," I then sent him a massive amount of killing intent to which she was scared but her guards tried to block me, "do you want to see if you can beat?"

I moved faster than them to which I appeared behind them which shocked them and I then swiped their feet in one swift motion. They then dropped and screamed in pain, it seemed I didn't control my strength causing it to shatter their ankles and they screamed in pain.

I then saw a look on her face which I didn't expect, it was completely calm like she was expecting this to happen to her and I looked in her eyes like nothing happened, "Well, anything else… Goddess?"

I Asked her but said the last part near her ear at a level where people couldn't hear me except her, "no that's all Orion Dyers."

I noticed her gaze she gave me and saw there was a tint of attraction but I ignored it, I then walked toward Maia and Severn. I noticed the gaze's everyone gave me, it was a gaze of fear and awe, a normality for me but something that made me feel lonely.

"Orion I got you your food," Severn said to which I saw it was a good mix of meat and vegetables which was to my liking, "at least you removed what I liked to eat."

"How would I forget that, if I forget I might as well not be your brother," he said to which I saw Maia chuckle and I had a light smile under my mask but Severn knew I was smiling. This guy could sense anyones emotion just by looking into their eyes, even if they were closed.

When we started to eat we Maia told us something which caught my attention, "I know this might be hard to ask but can you buy some medicine for me?"

"What for?" I asked, I didn't care about the price, rather I wanted to see if something happened to her, "my mother has not been feeling well and even passed out yesterday which shocked me and I was going to buy some medicine but it was too expensive."

I looked over to Severn to which he nodded and I told her, "after school we are going to pay a visit to your mother to see what is wrong with her, okay?" She was a bit surprised but nodded and then suddenly the bell went off to which we went to class but I felt more eyes on me now which I hated and I looked around and then they looked away and I just sighed.

Once we arrived in class me and Maia sat in our seats and we waited for everyone to arrive but when they did, every male gave me a death glare while every female tried to hide from me so they quickly rushed to their seat and didn't even look behind just forward, 'this is going lovely.'

Mr leon came in and then started the lesson to which I paid little attention rather I was thinking of what could have happened to Maia's mother, my first thought was that she could have overworked herself because she had to take care of Maia after her husband passed but then I remembered what Severn told me.

She might be in a worse situation because of the bastard and getting even worse. This was bugging me so I had to check if my assumptions were right or wrong and I was hoping to be wrong.

I then saw what we were doing in class in which I saw some basic maths skills and I just made some notes to not be noticed by Mr Leon on I wasn't but then someone knocked on the door, "come in."

Then a girl came in, she had long black hair and aquamarine coloured eyes, she had a beautiful figure especially the chest region to which I saw the boys look extremely well at but she was at least Amelia's height and seemed to be a cold person from her poker face. "Mr Leon sorry that I haven't been in since the start of the year. My family needed me for a business trip."

"That's fine just go sit next to Orion," he said to which she looked and I put my hand up signalling it was me and she walked over and sat to my left and took out her book to take note and I did the same not even knowing her name but not like I cared.

"Orion, can you help me with this?" Maia asked me to which I saw what she needed help with and I explained how that formula worked out and she then started to do the question and seemed to have it easier. I patted her head and she still concentrated on the work, she seemed like a chipmunk which I smiled under my mask.

I then felt a tug on my shirt and looked to my left and saw the girl wanting to ask me something, "can you help me understand this part?"

She was quite deep into the work more than Maia, which was more difficult. I analysed her work and saw there were some mishaps to which I explained what to do and how it works. I felt like a teacher when I helped them with the work and kinda felt like I was older than them at the same time. I was always thought of being older than I look, someone thought of me as a 20 year old once to which I told them I wasn't and they felt sorry for me for some reason.

The bell then rang and the class was dismissed, it was the last lesson so it was time to go see what was happening to Maia's mother. "Excuse me."

I then heard the new girl talk to me while I looked at her and she said, "thank you for helping me out in class. If you need any help just ask me."

"No, it's fine, it was just a couple of questions so you don't have to worry about it being easy for me," I told her but she shook her head and said, "I insist, please I've learnt to always pay anyone who helps me."

"Who taught you that," I asked because it was a strong statement and I thought it was possibly her father or mother, "it was a boy I met back a long time ago, I've not seen him since and I hope to find him one day so I can…"

"Can what?" I asked a bit curious about how she wanted to repay him, "...I would marry him."
