meeting the dragons

we walk thought the door to see mom setting the table. hey how was school you two. it was fine mom issei said takeing a seat at the table. how about you jay she asked. it was fine lessons where easy. he also got him a date Sunday issei said with a hint of jealousy. mom made a mad look then quickly changed it before issei notice but jay did becase of divine divining. she doesn't have a son complex dose she. we all ate and I head to my room and lock the door so issei couldn't get in. time for bed jay said as he fell to his bed not bothered to change. he opened his eyes to see a huge red dragon, a smaller lighter color red dragon,a white feathery dragon, and a black dragon as big as the first one. so this is our host the big one said. I suppose red the black one said. but for a human to get four scared gears is unheard of the small red one said. it is Ddraig the white one said. Albion and Ddraig have the same host this will be funny red said unused. how are you two here did yall get sealed also. no we did not ophis said turning into a loil with black hair wearing black tape in a shape of an x on her nipples and a purple jacket along with some white shorts. red then turns into a tall young woman with long red hair wearing a black jacket without a shirt and biker pants. Ddraig turned into a teen about Jay's age with short red hair with a red shirt with a fire print on it and blue jeans. Albion turned into teen like Ddraig with short white hair with a white shirt and white jeans. hello I said waveing. they all turned to look at me with killing intent. hold up look at my memory and you'll know what going on. they did just that. so your the reason me and ophis is here. yes pretty much. your calm for a person that knows two of the most powerful beings are in front of you Ddraig said. oh no I'm very scared but what you seen I dont really care if I die so. I knew this kid would be a good choice Albion said with a laugh. what about yours and Ddraig fight ophis said. well we have no choice but to just to get over it Ddraig said. Is there a way to become a dragon like yall. the dragons where taken back by what he had said. then red spoke up yes but it will take 3 days and it very painful. I will do it but how do we do it. well we four give some of our power to you this would make you more powerful than us and already have your scared gear's under your control. dose it have to be done by for dragons i asked. yes it dose and I'm not doing it ophis said. I bent down to her level. why not I asked tilting my head to the side. there nothing in it for me and I won't be able to have my silence. I pulled out a box of cookies how about these. she took them and said deal let go. I woke up and wrote a letter that I was doing some trading and will be back Saturday night and four gears came on to me one was a pair of big wings with a blue inside to them the one on my right hand a black ring with a yellow chain going to a black bracelet and my let the hand had a red arm piece with a green rod in the hand area and last a dark red choker with a small black lightning in the center. the lightning started to glow and red spoke to the dimensional gap. then a portal that look like a galaxy open he walk in. ok now we will start they all said at the same time. a pain like he never felt came on to him he rather get hit with that truck 1000 time than fill this. ophis knock his out so the pain wasn't as bad.


issei went to issei room to wake jay up but the down was lock so she lock pick it and walk in. she saw the note jay left and read it

dear family

went to train to get stronger I'll be back some time around Saturday night


dont touch my underwear

issei read the letter and had a nervous smile on her face. so I guess he knew huh. of course he knew their mom said looking over issei shoulder. how much you take I'm surprised he has any left. yeah dont act like you dont. I'm have to have a talk about his training he can't miss school. issei walk out and got ready for school and when she got there hand a note to the teacher that excused him while he training and sat in her seat.


sona and tsubaki was heading to rais gremory club room a red haired girl with a big breast. sona knock on the door and we walk in to see aknoe a black haired girl with violet eyes and a breast that was a little bigger than rais. konerko a white haired girl with a very small chest that had golden eyes. kiba that a blonde boy that had a pretty face that rivaled Jay's. hello sona what do you need rais asked with a smile. someone has beat me at chess sona said. rais was taken back at her words becase sons agreed with her parents how ever beat her at chess has to marry her. why are you coming to me do you not like him. quit the opposite I he very good looking and very smart.then what is the problom rais asked. it jay the one you been looking at. rais has used her pet to look after jay until he went to school because he walk past her one say and had a very powerful sacred gear. if you think I'm not going to bring him into my group your wrong. oh no I'm fine with that I'm afraid you girls are going to catch filling toward him. oh my is our little sona afraid Akeno teased. rais knew what she was talking about after she seen him that day it was love at first sight. we could always share if that was to happen tsubaki suggested. you are right I have no problem with that sona said. ok then we'll take our leave.