the date

a man about six feet and with a muscular body and long brown hair that faded into three colors white black and red. my body hurts alot jay said looking around. you are now a dragon Ddraig said. how do you feel Albion said with concerns. I'm fine just hurting alot. ophis started to speak there is one last step our power memorys. your what jay asked confused. our power memorys so you can use it without training. but it has a 3 percent change of working great red said. what happens if you dosen't work. you will die and while it happening you will feel even more pain that we can t put you to sleep on. do it jay said. the dragons started to give there memory of there power to issei his head felt like sword where being stab into his head and this went oh for about 3 hour until it stop and he felt powerful. jay imagine a sword in his and cut his hair back to the original style but it still faded into those three colors. he had horns wings and even a tail. his eyes where blue dragon eyes. he hide his aura and his other dragon feature makeing him look just like the old issei. he let out a loud roar and a portal opened into behind his house. when he got back he look at his wach it was Sunday and about 30 minutes till there date. he ran to where they where suppose to meet. when jay arrived a girl hand him a paper. hey what this he ask in his head. it a paper that can summon a devil Ddraig said. where everyone else. red is flying around the dimensional gab and ophis is god knows where. and Albion I questioned. you know we can't leave the gear. dont worrie I'll find a way to change that. Ddraig thank me and Yuma ran up to me and we had a date just like the anime. they showed up at the foundation. can I asked a favor. sure why not I had fun. me and the dragons where ready to attack at a moment notice. would you die for me. she then turned into a girl with reveling clothes and black fallen angle wings. she thew a light spear I then turned into my form with the wings and stuff. the spear bounced of jay skin. I walk toward her. she tried to flew away but I grab her leg and slamed her down the ground. he rip her clothes off. I turned her facing me holding her down. he unzip his pants and a dick fell on her stomach that was about 12 inches. say I will follow the dragon that kills all and be his loyal slave or this go in. she spit in his face he slowly input the tip in side of her. last chance jay said ready to Thust. she cried out fine and repeated the saying. jay did a full 360 and zip up his pant and told her to follow him. when he turned his back she tried to thow another but she felt incredibly hot and fell to the ground. your mine now if you try to hurt me or even think it that happens. she notice a blue dragon head tattoo right where the tip of his dick was when it fell out. your now one of my mates jay smiled. jay lifted raynare up caseing her to blushed. we arrived at my house and I came though the window and put her on the bed to sleep and clothes on the desk. I went to sleep on the couch down stairs. I woke up and saw mom and issei over me. why are you sleeping on the couch. my girlfriend spent the night last night. then she came down the stairs issei and mom gave her some glares. well me and issei got school do you stay here with mom and bond or something I said changed right there. I kissed my girlfriend head goodbye and me and issei left for school. when we arrived everyone look at me I was taller and buffer. after school kiba walk in and got me and issei followed even tho kiba said no bringing us to the ORC club. he knock o. the door and rais said come in. we walk in and rais shot a glare at kiba. sorry president she just followed. oh well we can have her to. I sat next to konkoeo and hand her a small box full of snack. I heard you like them. she took them and thank me. so this must be about that fallen am I right. they where all shocked except issei who was standing there trying to put the piece's together. my I ask how you know about the supernatural world. what in it for me I asked. very well every question I ask is one favor you must do no questions asked. very well we agree with your terms. ok go on I said with a smile. how do you know about the supernatural world. my father was killed by a fallen angel and I was in the closet and watched. what dad died by a car. rais then explained about supernatural world and chess system. kiba wanted to ask a question I could tell. kiba if you want to know something just ask I said. very well then what do you know about us. well i know that you where part of the holy sword experiment, that aknoe is part Fallen, konerko is a nekomata, and that rais is the next head if the gremory family. thet where shocked by the info that I knew. any more questions I smiled. rais spoke up yes would you and your sister like to join our group. that is entirely up to issei. I turned to issei so do you want to. sure she answered. red I said in my head. yes young one. can you make a gear and place it in issei. I can what kind of gear. a gear that controls shadows. ok it is done. issei fell on the ground looking like she was in pain. a shoulder pad came into her sister. what happen bro she ask. well the gear i hid in you came out it has the ability to control shadows. I didn't sense any gear rais said confused. i hidden it so no fallen would come after her. very well sona wanted to meet us so let head to the student council. we all left and left and knock on the door. we enter and sona blushed upon seeing jay. what did you need