
we enter the room where sona and her group doing work. rais and the other stood in front of them. I sat on the desk where sona was caseing her face to turn red. so why are we here sweetheart. she started to stutter and I could have sworn stem was coming out of her head. I'm just messing I said jumping up and standing next to the others. it took her a minute to gather her bearings. well the fallen are moving faster than they where it like they are trying to get something done. do you have any idea what aknoe asked. we are not sure but we thought yall might. we do not rais said. wait hold up I think I can help. everyone stared at me. sweet cheeks come here i yelled. raynare flew in though a window. yes master she said with a smile. how many times do I have to tell you just call me jay. it been a while since she tried to kill me and we got on good terms. everyone got on edge ready to attack. let me introduce my self I am raynare and I'm Jay's fallen angle. she did a bow and got back up. she the fallen that tried to kill me but she know better now I said pointing at the tattoo on her belly. sona than stood up and got in my face. are you dating her. I bent down to her level I am why do you ask. my statement caused everyone to be shocked. oh is this about us having to get married I hope your fine about sharing. how did you know she stuttered. I may have been human a til recently but I had someone help me from the inside. from the inside issei asked. I summoned my divine divining. hello Albion said. you must be one of the heavenly dragons Albion. I am tsubaki queen of sona. how did he get you before being turned kiba asked. when he was younger a fallen angle killed his father and he summoned me out of anger and killed the fallen. I'm sorry for your lost. well you lose some your win some. I turned to raynare. and to why I called you what is the fallen doing here. they are targeting a girl named asia to get her sacred gear twilight healing. who are they working for. kokabeil she said with a hint of disgust in her voice. ok then I will see yall later I'm going to see a asia. I used divine divining to fly off and hung out at a park where issei meet issei. it was now morning and saw her. she seemed lost. hey I said caseing her to fall. oh didn't mean to scare you. I help her up. my names is jay and yours. I am asia nice to meet you. you seemed lost so I figured I would help you. thank you I'm trying to find the church. ok then follow me I smiled. we talk all the way there. hey we are friends right she asked. of course we are I laughed. she hug me and entered the church. I figured I skip school since sona text me that I didn't have to come for two days since I'm investigating the fallen. I used red gear and made a black motorcycle with flames print. I got on it and drove off. I heard there was a anime thing going on so I drove to it and park my bike and entered and spent the day there. it time I said it was now night I rode my bike to the house where asia is. I issei was about to enter. I stop her go back tell them dont come to me no matter what got it. ok she said getting on her bike and rode off. I enter the door and the smell of blood came into my face. I walk in to see freed well well well a devil wondering in here. he swung his sword and got my right shoulder it started to gush out blood. asia came out and fix my cut. he just a lowly devil and you stop me. he grab asia and cut her clothes to show her breast. I summoned all four of my sacred gear.



I slamed his head into the ground. and used red gear and made a scythe and cut his head clean off. three fallen came in one male the other two female I used ophis gear to make them telport somewhere to keep them there. the man then used used a light spear and thew it at my leg. It felt like it was burning I used ophis gear to use the gremory bloodline ability and killed the fallen. asia rushed to my side and started to heal my leg. I telport to the ORC club with asia. heya I said I got you a new member. she a nun I dont thank she want to be a devil. I go anywhere jay is she explained. dammed it all onii chan is get all the girls to fall for him. can't help im sexy I said.