crazy dragon girl

ok seems we have three new members how about we go get a you three a familiar. a familiar asia asked. it like a pet for devil's that does your bidding. that one way to sum it up jay. so it like those things in anime jay issei asked. it is issei. sona and her group then walk in. I heard you and your group is trying to get your new members a familiar well we are also. how are we going to settle this rais asked. I walk up to sona and whisper something in her ear. so how about it sona I asked. she had a big blush on her face. I accept hope you find a good one. her and her group left. oh my what did jay say to sona. a favor that it. just a favor that it if I know you it not just a favor. I might have gave some examples that she could use that may have been a bit sexual. how come you dont do that to me issei complain. your my sister I said as I open a telport circle using ophis gear becase her gear can copy or make any magic even if it bloodline while red can make any weapon or any fighting technique. you can make a teleport circle kiba asked. yep so let go to Neverland. we arrived in a forest to reveal a man that dressed like ash from pokemon. hey I'm the familiar master rais Gremory said I had three people. hey ash can I go on my on. are you sure mr jay it dangerous out there. I got it dragons let go. rais thought to her self dragonS it probably a mistake. I walk into the forest and have been for a good while. I walk toward a cave and sat down. no one around that good enough. the bosted gear came out. partner there is another dragon near llulu is her name. I thought to my self is she not from that dragon maid show. I think that there is alot of stuff from different show you have watch in your past life. that good to know. we walk to see her a short red haired girl that had dragon like hands. wearing a black shirt with breast that make rais look small. Ddraig the dragon said with venom in her voice. what is the issue with yall to Albion said. I promised her kids before I got sealed. hello llulu I'm jay would you like to join me. she jump up in the air and shot a fire ball at me I used divine divining to make the flame disappear. stop if it children from a dragon you want I'll give it to you. she stop and walk up to me and smelled me you are pretty strong she muttered. I'm going to follow you to see if you are the one. thank you for giving me a chance. I heard the girls yell and I ran to them to revil them being covered in slim. rais was about to kill it but issei pointed out that they could use it on me and she stop I used a dragon shot to kill it. no issei fell to her knee crying. pervert i said turning to see asia made her. I'm going back so see ya I said teleporting back to my room and fell asleep. Ddraig Albion is he really with it. both ophis and red said that he was that made llulu scared. he is a kind boy that want the best for the one he care about ophis said. she is right red said. this boy is special he dont only have two dragon that hate each other but even the two most powerful dragons as well. she crawled in to her bed and fell asleep