Chapter 011 Leak Of Cleansing Filth

Song Recommendation: Gold Mine by Joyner Lucas

Delia walked out of the lab—dressed in her lab coat—stretching out her hands as she yawned.

"School will kill me before death", she mumbled, walking up to Yusuf, who stood, resting against a pillar.

"Del, how far?", Yusuf shook her hand.

"Guy, I don tire (Guy, I'm tired!)! I'm thinking of how to collect my school fees and do Forex or BetNaija!" Delia yawned once more.

"Ya mad!" Yusuf laughed. She smiled, pulling off her coat as Yusuf asked, "Did you hear what happened? One of the University's staff has gone missing".

"Missing?" Delia looked up in disbelief. "Asin, in this school!? For how long?"

"Almost two days-".

"Ah! I saw the news too", Eboh and Beatrice walked up to them. "Hey Yusuf", Eboh waved.


"I saw the news too, a staff of the Senate building", Beatrice stated.

"Yeah, him", Yusuf nodded.

"Wait! Hold up! Somebody went missing in this school!?? Like seriously!" Delia was more stunned.

"Yep, his family confirmed it this morning", Yusuf answered.

"He's my friend's uncle", Eboh chipped in. "He said according to security, he left the Senate building at daytime, with two strangers who had their own car, so he drove in his car".

"Mad oo!" Delia shook her head, "What's his name sef, maybe I know him".

"Dr. Muhammad Usman was the name", Yusuf responded.

"Hm! This is new. I hope A.B.U. plans to investigate because maybe our lives are at risk too", Delia stated.

"I do hope too. But I'm shocked you're just finding out now".

Delia shrugged, "Is it today you know I'm highly ignorant about social media, society, politics, and news. Especially when it has nothing to do with me or my CGPA".

"Oh that's right, you don't even have any social media account apart from WhatsApp", Eboh chuckled.

"Exactly! I love my peace of mind! But either way, this matter is serious. I hope he's found".

"Me too", they nodded.

"Okay now, let's go and eat! I'm hungry! We're going to Yusuf's house", Delia walked forward, leaving her department as the rest followed.

"But Beatrice is cooking today, right?" Yusuf inquired, to receive a nod from the girls.

• • •

Delia ran on her toes, panting heavily with a layer of sweat on her forehead.

"Why are you running Delia? You won't get far enough", whispered a dry voice in the trees, moving faintly in the wind.

Delia fell on her knees, holding her chest whilst gasping. The sounds of cracking leaves echoed loudly.

The invisible footsteps quickened, as the trees around started to fall and break. She pushed herself up, exhausted.

Racing forward, she heard a cry.

"Delia!! Help!! Delia!!!"

She froze. Taking a glance around, everywhere fell silent. She paused her breaths.


"JULIET!!" she responded in fear. She heard her little sister scream out in pain.

Following the directions of Juliet's cry, she ran deeper into the wood. In less than a minute, she halted.


Her eyes widened at the scene in front of her. Juliet, dressed in a blue gown, was hung in the air, with a metal spear passing through her mouth and out through her lower body.

She looked like raw meat on a stick. Fresh blood continued to slowly drip out her mouth and between her legs.

Her eye sockets were emptied, with blood still fresh around it. Delia gasped lightly, closing her mouth with her palm. Her heart tightens with terror.

Staring at the goresome scene in front of her, the shock on her face slowly started to dissolve into a stoic expression. The fear and shock in her heart started to fade.

As seconds passed, she gave her sister's body a bored look. She hissed. "Quith!"

The wind began to blow violently as the leaves on the trees whistled loudly. The dark fog began to evolve from the ground around Juliet.

The wind began to move in a circular motion around the corpse. Delia's cold expression didn't change as the fog began to spread, covering the forest and the ground beneath her feet.

The sky darkened and slowly darkness shielded everything. A dry deep laughter echoed, as the whole place turned pitch black.

Delia stood calmly for a good amount of seconds before a dull light shuns feet away from her.

Quith appeared.

His body was lean and tall. He had no eyes, teeth, or face; he was just a dark figure of materialized smoke. He had no specific form.

He internally smiled at her. "Hello, Delia".

"Aren't you bored of playing the same old tricks? How many times do I need to tell you to stop wasting my time with pointless scenes?", Delia cocked her head.

"Many times. But despite all that, the shock in your eyes when you see their deaths over and over again is still very pleasing to the eye", he grinned.

"Well, it's getting too old".

"Maybe. Till the real visions come".

"Death will always come, Quith. Just don't try boring my sleep with pathetic murders", she narrowed her eyes, knowing well that Quith will still try to play around in her dreams.

"I'll try my best" he bowed.

Delia knew Quith well. Her personal demon that kept trying to strike fear in her heart since she was little. The older she got, the more horrifying his tricks were.

He aimed to weaken her spirit and win her soul through vulnerability. But all attempts kept failing. She only grew stronger.

Most of her dreams were just pranks of the mind he tried to use and weaken her, but it did the opposite. Sometimes, some dreams carried messages, but Quith usually contaminated them with gore sceneries and events to try and confuse her.

"Hmph! What is it, Quith? You usually come around this often when something big is about to happen. What is it?"

"Ouch. Can't a friend come to visit a friend?"

"Speak!" Her voice was stern with all seriousness. Quith grin widened.

"Darkness is creeping around the corner. The longer it stays, the darker it becomes. Your light is bright. Very. But the clash must come".

"Soon. Soon the clash will strike, to test your faith and strength. You will have to face your greatest fear".

"What is the clash, Quith?"

"Who knows?" He shrugged, "But it will come. And more demons will awake to haunt you. A lot more".

Delia stayed quiet, trying to understand his words. Quith always answered her questions, but never with a straight answer". They both remained silent.

Trying as much as possible to hide her emotions with a cold expression, Quith added.

"Oops, seems like the leak of cleansing filth has begun".

"The what?" She gave him a confused look.

A large white crack broke under her feet, shattering the ground into pieces. She fell through.


Delia snapped her eyes open, gasping out lightly. She turned in the direction of the call.

"Delia, food is ready, come and eat", Beatrice waved her over to the dining table, where Yusuf and Eboh sat waiting.

Delia slowly sat up from the couch she had fallen asleep on. "I'm coming", she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Yawning, the last sentence from Quith was still in her head. 'The leak of cleansing filth'. What did that mean?

Still rubbing her eyes, thinking about it. She felt something wet between her legs. Freezing for a second, she thought. Suddenly her eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me!!!" Her friends were startled hearing her shout.

She jumped up, rushing for her backpack on the floor. Thrusting her hand hastily into the bag, she pulled out a single sanitary pad, rushing to the bathroom.

She slammed the door, quickly pulling moving to the toilet pot.

'Wallahi Quith ya wicked! Was period too hard to say! (I swear to God, Quith you are wicked! Was period too hard to for you say!)'.