Chapter 012 Kidnapped-ish

Song Recommendation: Hard White by Nicki Minaj

The sky was cloudless and calm as Delia made her way through the quiet street from Yusuf's house. The environment was serene and green, with the tall trees around the uniform houses in the area.

She had on her headsets, walking forward, glancing at the few cars that passed by. She was on her way to the campus main gate, to take the bus home.

Her phone suddenly beeped.

"Who dey text me?" She clicked her screen. It was a text message from a private number. Tapping on the icon, her eyes narrowed.

'Get in', was what it read.

She immediately looked up. She spotted a black Honda vehicle parked by the road, not too far from where she stood.

Looking around confused, she looked back at her phone, wondering. "What the?" She began to step back, feeling uncomfortable.

"Nah, man. This must be a joke", she turned back to the direction she was coming from.

"Oof—". She stuttered back, after hitting her head on a hard chest.

Rubbing her forehead, she looked up at the owner of the obstacles. It was a huge dark-skinned man with thick beards and shades blocking his eyes and brows. He looked down at her.

Delia's eyes widened slightly when she noticed he was dressed in a black turtle neck over black jeans and black boots.

'Okay. We've just met fifty shades of black be that', she nodded her head internally. Gulping, she turned around to the Honda and took a deep breath.

She glanced back at the man who was still standing. She sighed, "Okay fine... I'm going".

She rolled her eyes, walking up to the car. She pulled the back seat door open, and stepped in, shutting the door loudly.

Delia sighed, looking down at her' phone as she selected her music and added the volume. She glanced at the driver's seat, seeing a man with mixed grey hair, holding the steering wheel quietly.

The man standing outside cocked his eyebrows, surprised at how calm she was. Brushing aside his thoughts, he walked up to the car and sat into the passager's seat.

Without any word exchange, the car drove off.

• • •

'Delia, what is wrong with you? When they say you're stingy, you'll say no. Now, look! They've kidnapped you and you don't even have recharge card to call'.

Delia sat with her elbow resting on the door, watching the passing buildings and cars.

She had planned to try hitting the window and shout for help, but from the look of the vehicle, it seemed soundproof and the glasses were tinted.

She sat still, wondering who and why they had taken her.

Initially, she had wanted to run from the stranger back then, but when she noticed the gun in his belt, she realized that half bread is better than none.

Besides, her legs had the habit of failing her in such times.

She continued to look through the window with her music playing softly. She kept on a stoic expression as if she was being driven by her staff, back to her house.

But a part of her was not afraid; she knew that if she was going to be killed or harmed in any way, Quith would have said it, alongside one of her dreams. But nothing pointed to her death today, so maybe she was safe.


As the car moved on, she knew exactly where they were and which direction they were driving to.

She had been living in that town for her whole life, she could always run and find her way back home from any location.

The car took a bend to the G.R.A. residence; one of the poshest areas in town. Delia began to think.

'So na so person go take die, no blow. This life no balance fah (So this is how I will die without being famous. This life is not fair)'.

'I didn't even get to spend that 1k I was saving sef. Now maybe Juliet will find it and eat it'.

She then glanced at the men in front, who had been quiet all through. Her thoughts continued.

'Hmm, what if they're ritualist? I knew it! My kidneys are too good for my own good'.

'Yet again, maybe they're human traffickers. OMG! Let them sell me to someone in Hawaii, always wanted to wear a grass skirt! I can manage and do housemaid work'.

'Sha, as long as the person get money to dey feed me, I no mind (Well, as long as the person has money to feed me, I don't mind)'.

'But wait! What if my buyer is a 'fifty shades of grey' kinda person? God forbid! I'll end up killing somebody na'.

Her lips curved into a smirk, internally laughing at her secret jokes.

The car finally packed in front of a large black gate.

'Oh... At least my kidnapper has a good sense of house structure', she nodded.

The gates slowly opened, letting the car drive into the compound. Delia's eyes widened at the huge mansion; from the flowers to the doors, windows, and balconies. Everything was elite.

The car pack not too far away from the main door. The huge man from the passenger seat got down, walking to the side of Delia's door.

Pulling it open, Delia walked out calmly, with her lips pressed in a thin line and her head held up.

Without being ushered or told, she began to step forward as if she owned the place. The driver and guard looked at her slightly taken aback.

As Delia reached the door, she stood still, pulling out her phone to select another song. The men still kept watching her.

Delia looked over her shoulder at the two puzzled men. "Are you going to open the door? Or should I?" She tilted her head.

The man blinked his eyes in disbelief then shook his head. He cleared his throat and stepped forward.

He stood next to her as he pulled the door open. He stepped aside for her. Delia left her eyes on her phone, walking casually into the building.

With the whole place majorly colored in gold and white, she kept her breathing stable and her steps firm as he ushered her into the large living room.

'This is the real definition of, I perish I perish', she told herself, trying as much as possible not to show any signs of wariness or fear. Quith's game strengthens her.

He pointed her a seat on the couch, then walked away without another word. Delia, still not changing her expression, took the seat.

She stretched out her legs and rested her back on the seat.

'Ah ah... Del Del, ya doing well', she patted herself on the back mentally for her composure. She scanned the room for a few seconds then looked back to her phone.

"Haba, these people are not trying. No refreshments?" She mumbled, tapping her screen.

"Is this how they treat their victims? So rude!", she shook her head. She began to play a video game on her phone, making herself more comfortable, as she lost track of seconds, which slowly turned to minutes.

Her attention was stolen when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She looked up.

A tall well built white man, with neatly combed blonde hair, walked down in an expensive-looking ink colored suit, with a pair of glasses resting on his face.

His shoes slowly clicked down, as he made his way down the long stairs. With every step he took, his aura was dominant, but yet with a serene demeanor.

His face was stoic, having no particular expression, with his hands in his pocket as he took each step. He was like an approaching demigod.

'Ah? All this description for one man?' Delia asked herself, keeping a straight face.

The man continued to walk down, majestically.

'I don't understand, guy na you dey climb the stairs or na stairs dey climb you? Why are you taking so long?' ShA twisted her lips.

Finally, he stepped down, taking long strides towards her. He walked to the king-sized cushion opposite her, taking a seat. His face molded into a subtle smile.

'We thank God for your safe journey', she said at the back of her mind, giving him a cold stare, not moving.

"Good evening Ms. Alan. I can see you're already making yourself comfortable". Delia did not respond but continued to look at him with narrowed eyes. She slowly pushed herself up, straighten her back on the couch.

They're stared at each other in silence.

She finally softens her face, sitting with some level of authority and dominance as well. She changed her accent, "Who are you?"

He grinned, "Where are my manners?"

He rested his back on his seat, crossing one leg over the other.

"I am Dilen Liam, the only son of the Liam family and Empire".

Delia didn't respond immediately; she was still trying to grab his accent, and she confirmed American.

"What am I doing here?" She kept her voice steady, as she was able to mimic his accent perfectly well.

'We thank God for American films!'.

"Well, Ms. Alan--".

"Delia! Just Delia will do", she corrected.

He smiled, "Very well. Delia, I have to appreciate your cooperation until now".

"Well you're slowly losing it. What am I doing here?"

"Bold", he nodded. She plastered on a sarcastic smile, "You're welcome. Now the answer to my question?"

Delia was partly uneasy and disturbed about who this man might be and what he wants with her. But in the little time she spent waiting, she had planned her quickest escape if things were to turn 'wrong'.

Ordinarily, any girl in her vulnerable state, would be submissive and frightened in such a situation, but yet again; she is Delia. Fear was her thing.

After all, she knew if something bad was to happen, she would have felt it by now. The man named Dilen suddenly chuckled softly.

"I have an offer for you, Delia".

"Offer?" She cocked her head.