Chapter 013 Offer -1

Song Recommendation: Don't Rush by Young T & Bugsey

Robert stepped out of the car after Delia walked through the front door. He rushed towards the back of the mansion.

Reaching the small metal door that was slightly shorter than him, he pushed open the door, gingerly stepping in.

He walked down the few steps that led to the cold moist concrete floor, bowing his head to the back of his master.

Dilen stayed in a squatting position, looking down at the shivering naked old man, filled with fresh bloody scars and bruises. His limbs were bounded, whilst he laid in his urine.

Dilen grinned, tightening his grip on the bat in his hand. "What's wrong Usman? Can't speak anymore?".

Usman whimpered, keeping his eyes down on the floor. Blood continued to roll over his skin.

"Hm?", Dilen cocked his head, with a taunting smile.

"Why so quiet? Aren't you going to try and correct my manners and upbringings again?", Dilen smiled.

He glanced around the dark stoned wall room, seeing his torture tools well hung and kept, stained with Usman's blood.

He looked back at the man. "What was it you said? Um... Is that how we Americans greet our elders? Like age-mates? Am I correct?"

"No... No... No", Usman's lips quivered in fear, shaking. He shook his head, looking up at Dilen.

"No... No, I didn't mean it...", Tears poured out as he begged. "It was just a joke. I was joking..." Dilen stood up.

"Of course you were. Now here's the punchline", He rose the bat in the air, striking Usman's face and knocking the man out as blood spilled from his mouth.

Robert shut his eyes in pity. His master finally spoke, "Robert?"

"Yes Master?" He lowered his head.

"Where is the girl?"

"In the living room. Waiting, master".

"Good", Dilen dropped the bat, dusting his hand. He carefully pushed up his glasses, "Give him the last dose of the injection and dump his body anywhere on the campus. Make sure it's public".

"Yes master!" Robert nodded.

Dilen turned around and walked to the door without another word. As soon as he shut the door, Robert sighed.

He shook his head in worry. His master was an inconsiderate cruel man, who was kicked off by the littlest little things.

Ever since the unfaithful afternoon that they had bumped into the girl, his master had asked him to follow and stalk her for days. And now finally, he ordered him to bring her to the mansion.

He feared that the same fate as the dog and Usman may befall the girl. He sighed once more, "Poor her". He shook his head, stepping forward to the unconscious man in front.

• • •

Dilen stared at his reflection with his glasses on, adjusting the tie on his neck, then straightening his sleeves.

He patted the edges of his well-combed hair, glancing at his outfit in the mirror once more.

He turned to the beauty table, picking up his glasses. He wore them on gingerly before he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in". Robert walked in.

"I have the documents with me, master", Robert kept his eyes on the floor.

"Good. Arrive at the living room five minutes after me".

"Yes, master".

Dilen dusted his suit once more, the turned to his driver. "How do I look?" He pulled out a faint smile.

Robert looked up surprised. He cleared his throat, "Perfect master. I am sure she'll sign it at the sight of you".

Dilen chuckled, stepping forward, "That's not a problem", he held the doorknob. "She is no one to reject me", he walked out.

Making his way down the stairs, slowly, Dilen's brows quirked at the girl in the room.

She seemed relaxed, having her legs stretched out and her headphones on, tapping on her phone like she owned the place.

He hmphed silently, walking down majestically. Finally, she rose her head from her phone to look at him, giving him the chance to scan her face.

She was average, he thought to himself. Her skin was a dark shade of brown, and her hair cut extremely low for a lady.

She was dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans, wearing just dot earrings with no makeup. Her face was smooth and round, with pink lips and slightly chubby cheeks.

To him, she looked nothing less than one of his black-skinned maids at home in his family's mansion. The only thing he could call slightly impressive was the shape of her body. She was indeed thick and curvy, that even her clothing couldn't hide it.

Walking a few more steps lower, his brows rose lightly, having a better view of the face.

Her eyes. Her eyes caught his attention. They were big and sparklingly, although they were just the average brown color, he still found them quite outstanding from the rest of the features on her face.

He finally stepped off the staircase, walking briskly to the cushion directly opposite her. He took a seat, letting his arms rest on the armrest, staring at her.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Alan. I can see you're already making yourself comfortable", he offered her a polite smile.

She remained quiet for a moment, keeping a straight face. He was partly impressed by her composure.

She finally pushed herself up, displaying a posture of dominance.

He chuckled internally.

"Who are you?"

"Where are my manners?" He rest back on his seat.

"Dilen Liam. The only son of the Liam family and Empire".

"What am I doing here?" She went straight to the point.

Dilen couldn't help notice her accent was much different from how he knew Nigerians spoke. She sounded western-like him.

'Maybe this one is more civilized', he told himself.

"Well, Ms. Alan-".

"Delia! Just Delia will do", she cut him off. Usually, he'd be provoked but, he was interested intrigued. The audacity to be bold after being kidnapped isn't something you see every day.

"Very well. Delia, I have to appreciate your cooperation until now".

"Well, you're slowly losing it. What am I doing here?"


"You're welcome. The answer?" She held out an obvious feigned smile. She was truly intriguing, she probably knew nothing about him and his family.

"I have an offer for you, Delia".

"Offer?" She cocked her head.

He nodded. "And what might this offer be, Mr. Dilen Liam?" She called his name in a casual tone. No one ever dared.

Before he could respond, Robert walked in with a folder in his hand. He reached the side of his master, casting his eyes to the floor.

Delia glanced at him then back at Dilen. Dilen started, "I want to offer you the easiest contract you can ever find, Delia", he dragged her name.

She narrowed her eyes. Dilen waved his hand, signaling Robert to drop the folder on the glass table between them.

Robert obeyed, immediately stepping out of the room. Dilen and Delia stared at each other.

"What is this?" Delia asked.

"Have a look", he grinned.

With a bored look, Delia stretched for the folder, gingerly opening it. Her eyes skimmed through.

Dilen noticed the slight shock in her eyes when she understood it. She slowly rose her head from the sheets to him.

Her lips parted, "Contract girlfriend!?"


"Black contract girlfriend?" She pushed her head forward.

Dilen offered her a smile, "Just three months. You'll be paid a monthly of-"

Delia bushed into laughter.