Chapter 014 Offer -2

Song Recommendation: Don't Rush by Young T & Bugsey

'I can't hold it in anymore!' Delia fell her head down in laughter, holding unto her belly.

The live joke was getting the best of her.

"HAHAHHAHA!" She shot her head up, finding it hard to control her laughter. She caught a glimpse of Dilen's face, noticing the popped vein on his forehead.

She panted, wiping the tears from her eyes, still smiling widely. "I'm- I'm sor- sorry... It's just- it's just hard to take in all in".

She sighed heavily, trying to relieve the pain in her belly caused by the laughter, alongside suppressing the upcoming ones.

She looked at the white man in front of her, calming herself down. "Sorry... Sorry", she wiped more tears.

"It was hard to form with everything you were saying... Ahhh! Oh God!" She chuckled, slapping her forehead.

"Just when I thought I've seen it all", she shook her head, locking eyes with Dilen. His jaw was clenched, trying to swallow in his anger.

Delia cleared her throat, straightening her face. "Okay let's lets serious", her tone changed.

"Is this a joke?"

"Do I look like a clown to you?" He narrowed his eyes.

Delia smiled. "Woah", she glanced at the file, dropping it back on the table. "So you came to Nigeria to find a contract babe? Woah! Ya joking with yourself".

Dilen kept a straight face, staring deeply into her eyes, looking displeased to be called a joke. Delia cleared her throat with a grin.

"Okay. Very well then!" She got up from her seat. Dilen quirked his brows at her.

Delia stretched her neck a little, looking back at Dilen.

"Mr. Dilen Liam", she called his name like it was a fun sugar treat on her tongue. She enjoyed it.

"When I came in, I don't remember being offered refreshments", she tilted her head.

Dilen cocked his head at her sudden statement. But not wanting to lack behind, he responded.

"I didn't think you'd be interested in refreshments in a stranger's house".

"Well, I am! Shall we go to the kitchen now?" she grinned.

Dilen stared at her for a few seconds, wondering what this little thing was up to. Curious to see, he got up, "Okay".

He stepped forward, motioning her towards a door at the far end. Delia picked up the folder and followed.

Walking calmly towards the door, they entered a large straight corridor, not pausing their steps.

As they continued to walk, Delia couldn't stop thanking God that Dilen agreed to take her to the kitchen.

She has been feeling very uncomfortable, sitting on a stranger's expensive couch whilst on her period.

'I can't risk affording to stain a rich white stranger's expensive couch! The shame! Gosh!' She sighed internally. She just asked to go to the kitchen, so they could both stand and she'd feel more secure from embarrassment.

Trailing out of her thoughts, she decided to look up at the man in front of her, realizing how tall he was. Her height ended inches below his shoulders.

'Hm! Nice cologne', she commented in her mind.

As they finally walked into the kitchen, Delia padded straight to the fridge, pulling it open like she paid a dime of the rent. Dilen gave a wondering look.

He watched the girl look through the entire fridge, shutting it with a hiss, without pulling anything out. Delia dropped the folder on the table, turning to the cabins above the counter as if she was searching for something in particular.

Delia continued to look through, before shutting the cabin, pausing for a moment.

She then thought to herself, 'Delia you sef, you be mumu (idiot). How do you expect to find garri in a white man's house? Do they even know it?'

'Wait! So you were seriously going to eat garri in front of him at this moment!?', she questioned her own stupidity. 'Are you normal!?'

She slapped her forehead, turning back to the fridge, 'I should probably just have fruit. Let's not look more stupid'

She pulled the fridge door open, picking out a banana. She walked back to the table, slowly peeling it.

She took a bit, finally looking at Dilen, who had his eyes on her all through, with a stoic face.

'Why is he looking at me like that? He better not be expecting me to slice this banana with a knife', she wondered.

Dilen took a few steps forward. Reaching the table, he continued to stare at her. Her comfortability in a stranger's house was strange.

He narrowed his eyes at her as she pulled the folder closer, flipping it open.

"Mr. Liam", she took the last bite of her banana, tossing the peel into the trash. "Let's get down to business".

"Why exactly do you want an African contract girlfriend?"

He smirked, "That's none of your business, Delia".

"Well, it is. Because before I sign this, I need to be fully aware of why this sort of contract exists", she gave him a cold gaze.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds then responded.

"Because I need a pawn".

"For?" She cocked her head.

Again he didn't respond immediately. "To clear my name from a racial accusation".

"Hm". She pinched her chin, "Accusations or fact?"


"Are you sure? Because if you weren't, you wouldn't be trying to prove yourself innocent".

"I am not a racist!" He scowled.

"Is that so? Fair enough, I will pretend to believe that. But! Your brain consciously picked Nigeria in its right state of mind?"

"It's the world's most black populated country".

"True, but–", she chuckled, "–nevermind".

She shut the folder, pulling down her backpack and unzipping it. "You're lucky you kidnapped me", she thrusted the folder into her bag then threw it over her shoulder.

"Not most Nigerian girls— Wait! No! Not most girls would be as considerate as me right now", she grinned, glancing around.

She then looked back at Dilen's bored face. She cleared her throat, "Mr. Liam", his name rolled off her tongue like a song.

"I will have to carry home these documents to study them, thoroughly!"

He narrowed his eye at her as she continued, "Tomorrow, at two O'clock, I should be done with lectures and everything related to school so... We can discuss after that", she began to dust herself.

Dilen continued to quietly stare at her.

"And also, please send your driver to come to pick me from the back of my department. The place that's most populated".

"And why would you think I'll do that, Delia?" He tilted his head with a dim grin.

"Because, Mr. Dilen Liam-", she tilted her head as well, "-That's what every darling man is expected to do for his dear black contract girlfriend".

She smiled mischievously at him.

Dilen's grin grew. She was bold — very bold and straight forward- It was fun to watch her stand a ground.

"Very well", Dilen nodded.

"Splendid!" She smiled, stepping away, "I'll see you tomorrow then".

She walked towards the door then froze.

'Shet! Delia, you don't have enough transport. Your stingy self left it at home!"

She bit her lips, looking at Dilen from the corner of her eye. She smiled.

"Mr. Liam, is the vehicle ready outside?"

'Please say yes!'

Dilen smiled, "Yes".

"Thank you", she walked out, making the smile on Dilen's face drop.