Chapter 015 Offer -3

Song Recommendation: Spicy by Ty dollar $ign (Remix)

Dilen stared into the sky, taking slow sips of the wine in his glass. Robert walked in, bowing.

"Good evening, master".

"Did you give Usman the shot?"

"Yes, master, he won't remember a single thing by tomorrow morning".

"How public is it?"

"We left him on the busiest street in the campus".

"Good. Did you get the things I asked you to find?"

"Yes, master".

"All of it?"

"Yes, master".


Robert took in a deep breath then exhaled. "Her academics reports, hospital reports, family background report, her personal-".

"How old is she again, Robert?", Dilen slowly looked over his shoulder.

"Seventeen, master".

"Hm", he turned back, "She doesn't look seventeen". More like twenty, he thought.

Dilen remained quiet for a minute before speaking, "Robert?"

"Yes, master".

"I can sense you have something on your mind you wish to air out. Speak".

Robert blinked at his master, before sighing heavily.

He mustered some courage, saying, "Master, are you going to punish the young miss?"

"No, the little thing has a role to play before I dispose of her".

"What if she refuses, master?"

"Then that will be rather unfortunate", he grinned.

• • •

Delia laid on her bed, strolling through her search on her laptop. She was reading about the Liam family.

"Mad oo... No, be small things", she nodded, reading the next paragraph.

From her search so far, she came to realize why he carried himself the way he did. His family was damn rich!

They owned four different businesses.

One, L!'s global entertainment, ran mainly by his oldest sister.

Two, an elite clothing line ran by his mother and immediate older sister.

Three, an airline ran by his father. And a production company of constructional tools and materials — The family also owned an entire estate; placed mainly under the control of their first and only son. Dilen Liam.

"Hm, it's not easy", she continued to skim through nodding. "I pity the girl that you will marry. Just being surrounded by fake rich white people, BLAH!", she stuck out her tongue in disgust.

After a few more lines, she finally exited her search, typing in a new one. 'How to write a professional contract'.

As her search was loading, she stretched for the folder lying next to her, picking up a pen and a notebook with it. "Google knows everything. I can not come and kill myself".

She smiled, clicking on more icons as she held her pen for notes. After her little study, she pulled the document Dilen gave her to her front, making some corrections to the terms and conditions.

• • •

The sounds of padding feet and chattering students echoed through the hallway in front of the class. Delia stretched her arms in the air, feeling exhausted from the lectures.

She sighed, pulling up her glasses as she stepped forward until one of her course-mate blocked her path


"Hey, Emeka", she shook his hand, holding up a fake smile. He smiled widely, gauging her from head to toe. He looked into her eyes, "I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing today".

"Aw, Thanks", she gave him a small nod, stepping away from him after waving goodbye.

Delia's dressing was indeed different. She wore high boots with an ankara jacket over her black shirt and jeans, letting her shape outline perfectly.

She walked out of their departmental building, stepping unto the concrete slabs of the entrance, where a crowd of students stood with their eyes peeled at the car park.

Delia followed the trail of their sight. She grinned.

There, an expensive raven black BMW was parked, shining under the afternoon sun, standing out of every lecturers' car around. Delia's smile widened.

She had intentionally asked Dilen to send his driver to this particular part of their department, where most students passed.


She snapped her head to Eboh's and Beatrice's direction, who walked up to her.

"Babe, see car!", Beatrice's kept her mouth hung open.

"Asin! Which lecturer do you think owns it?" Eboh asked, still scanning the car detailedly.

"Which kind of vet lecturer fi affordable am!? (Which kind of vet lecturer can afford it?)", Beatrice held her waist.

"Professor Mrs. Bawa actually bought a car like this last month".

"Oooh... True. I forgot", Beatrice nodded.

Delia grinned, shrugging a shoulder, "It's not for a lecturer".

"It's not?" They turned to her.

"Nope. Just someone I know".


With those words being said, Delia pulled out her dark shades, taking a step forward.

"Babes, like I always say...", she wore on her shades.

"... When life gives you lemons, squeeze it in your enemy's eyes".

She smirked, stepping away from her bewildered friends and walking out of the crowd.

"When has she ever said that?" Eboh whispered.

"I don't know too oo", Beatrice shrugged.

All eyes fell on her figure, as she majestically approached the foreign vehicle. Whispers began to raise.

To her surprise, the driver stepped down, pulling the back seat door for her to step in. Her eyes immediately met Dilen's, who stared back at her with a polite smile.

Carrying her head up high, she stepped into the car, having the driver shut the door.

Relaxing on the seat, she turned to Dilen with a smile, pulling off her glasses. "Fancy seeing you here Mr. Dilen Liam".

"The feeling isn't neutral", he smiled back innocently.

"Splendid! Shall we?" She faced her front, putting back her glasses as she rested her head back. Dilen did the same, snapping his fingers for Robert to drive.

As they drove towards the main campus gate, Delia noticed a large crowd of students and security standing on the other lean, all looking bewildered and scared.

Security tried to send the students away but they refused, struggling to look at what was lying on the road.

Delia squirted her eyes, wondering what could be so attractive, lying on the road to create such a crowd.

She pushed her head closer to her window to look. "Don't bother, it's nothing", came Dilen's cold voice, who was not looking at her.

Delia thought for a moment, seeing as she couldn't glance beyond the crowd, she rested back on her seat, shutting her eyes. Dilen remained quiet on his side.

As Robert drove through the gates, he glanced through the mirror at his merciless master, who behave like he knew nothing about the naked thrashed man on the road.

He looked back at the road, focusing his thoughts.

• • •


"So?" Dilen rose a brow.

Delia kept her legs crossed and her fingers tapping gently on the table between them, as they sat under the private balcony of a posh hotel.

"Shall we begin?"

"Of course", he smiled. A smile that didn't reach his cheeks.

Delia stretched her hand down to her bag, pulling out the folder. She plummeted the folder unto his side of the table, grinning with her shades still on.

"I made a few ticks and stroke here and there", she waved her fingers.

"Hm", he dragged the folder, opening it with a straight face.

He looked through it and his brows quirked in surprise.

"Exactly!" Delia grinned. Dilen dropped the papers on the table, "What is this!?" He clenched his jaw.

"A contract made by someone with a conscience and creativity".

He tightened his jaw, narrowing his eyes at her. She had no idea who he was.

"Okay, let me list them out for you my conditions", she uncrossed her legs.