Chapter 016 Offer -4

Song Recommendation: Spicy by Ty Dollar $ign (Remix)

Dilen didn't expect even in his wildest dream, that Delia would retype a whole new contract with newly added terms.

The worst part of all was that the contract may not have been the best, but it was too professional and impressive for an amateur. He didn't think a third-year medical student would have any knowledge of such things.

She provoked him even more by speaking.

"First off!" Her fake accent came out more real than ever.

"You and I are on a strictly professional level, meaning there will be no snooping into each other's personal life. You have no business in my life".

'... If only she knew', he grinned internally.

"Although, I know you must have already done that". Dilen smiled innocently.

"Two! We will in no way share any physical or intimate relationship except for hugs, hand-holding and rare cases, pecks, which are only done in front of the media. Only!"

He twisted his lips, not liking the fact that she felt like she had the upper hand.

"Three! My face will never! Ever! For once! Be shown to the public! My name? Yes, excluding my surname, we have no problem. But never my face!"

"What? How am I suppose to use you if I'm hiding you!?"

She chuckled, "Mr. Liam, I am not just black on my face, am I?" She pointed at her arm, "I am black everywhere else, so even if I cover my face, my other body parts will still show my race".

Dilen remained quiet.

"Four! I will never be expected or instructed in anyway possible to showcase or exposed my body".

"What!" His brows furrowed more.

Before he could speak, she cut him off, "Yes, I know what I said. But my rule four implies erotical exposure or revealing. My arms and legs are enough to show I'm black, no need to add my breasts, thighs, belly or behind".

She smiled, "And... Five, no one from my side. I don't know about you, but for me, no one who knows me has to know you. No one! Not my friends, not my classmates, and definitely not my family".

"We will have a strict timetable that we will have to follow on our meetings for the charade we'll have to display", she shrugged a shoulder.

"Do we have an agreement?" She stared at him. Dilen as usual didn't speak; a deafening silence engulfed them.

Dilen then said, "Okay". Delia's smile stretched.

Little did she know that the only reason he accepted was because he didn't want her thinking she was too much for him to handle. After all, he just needed her to stand and wave to the cameras.

But on the other hand, Delia had her own plans in mind.

"We have an agreement Delia. I accept your terms".

Delia chuckled, "That's good to hear, I'm glad I could be of help! Good luck".

"Meaning?" Dilen rose a brow, seeing her smile too brightly.

"Meaning, I hope you find the girl that would be stupid enough to sign that document".

"What!?" He knitted his brows, slightly confused.

"What?" She shrugged. "I just wanted to help you make a better and more considerate contract, that could interest the next girl you'll pick".

"What?" He was getting more confused with her words, trying to keep a cold straight face.

Delia laughed lightly.

"Oh Mr. Liam, did you honestly think I will be cheap enough to agree to this shit of a contract?"

"Excuse me".

"Yes, Mr. Liam. I have no interest in your dollars because I am not a beggar looking for alms when I have enough on my table already. I just didn't want to reject you without doing something nice".

"What the fuck? Delia Alan are you aware of who you are-".

"Yes! Yes, I am. And I have to say, for your level, you have been reading way too many romance novels to think you as a rich man, can pick just any random girl from the street and make her your puppet".

Dilen was taken aback by her audacity to not only reject him in such a manner but to talk to him like a simpleton. She definitely didn't know what he was capable of.

"Delia Alan Ada".

"Yes, Mr. Liam?" She teeth glimmered.

"You have no idea what I am-".

"Capable of? Of course, I do. What's the worse you can do? Threaten to end my parents' lives, knowing their exact location every minute? Or kidnap my sister from school and hold her hostage?"

"Or get my admission letter missing from the Senate? Or, is it getting my elder brother sacked from work and draining all my family's wealth and properties, till we are nothing but black-skinned rags under your feet, begging you for a dime?"

She cupped her jaw with a bored look, "Or to worsen it all, you kill my entire family, leaving me stranded and helpless, and still not take me back even if I beg. Or will you kidnap and torture me?"

"If you want my honest opinion, go with the first three options, it has more dramatic, don't you think? Or to be frank, I'd appreciate it if you do some new, the rest are kinda old to me".

Okay, Dilen couldn't lie — most of her options were at the back of his mind, but now that she said it; he felt partly disappointed, partly insulted, and most especially, highly offended.

A vein popped on his head. Delia noticed.

"C'mon Mr. Liam, don't do that, you're a renowned businessman, you shouldn't accept defeat so easily".

Dilen gazed at her in anger, before loosening his face into an innocent smile.

He needed to see what more this little animal in front of him would say, before shoving his chair down her throat.

"Aw Mr. Liam, now I see you're planning on how to kill me. I don't blame you, many people want to kill me", even those that aren't human.

She smirked wider, resting back on her seat.

"But on a serious note Mr. Liam, this is a business proposal, right?"

"Right", he nodded.

"Exactly. So, let's see how we can turn the tables shall we? Because it seems the first turn provokes you".

"It does indeed", he kept his temper intact. This was getting interesting, he told himself

"Wonderful. So in other for peace to rain and no blood to be shed, I will give it some thought, if!"

"If?" He cocked his brows.

"If you answer this question honestly".

"Okay, what is it?" He was suddenly intrigued.

"Why, out of all the girls in this school and town, why did you pick me to offer this contract?"

"Hm?", Dilen cocked his head with a teasing grin.

"It's just out of curiosity", she shrugged, rolling her eyes.

"Hm. Very well, an honest answer, right?"

"Yes", she nodded.

"Okay, I picked you because when I first saw you, I almost mistook you for a boy or transgender".

"Oh", her lips parted with a slightly baffled expression.

"Yes, my first judgment was that you were a lesbian, so I felt it'd be easier to sign a lesbian because it wouldn't leave room for unnecessary attachment or feelings, as it would for a straight girl", he shrugged one shoulder like what he said was nothing.

But the reaction he got was the exact opposite.

"What?" Delia surded with a hurt expression; as if his words had vanquished her confidence and fearlessness. Dilen quirked his brows at her.

"What?" He was honestly confused by her reaction.

She remained silent for a good whole one minute, looking towards his direction, but not at him. It was as if her eyes were staring into a deep void, with her lips still parted.

Her breath lessens.

"Oh...", She took in a sharp breath, blinking her eyes repeatedly, "I- I- I- I ha- have to go!"

She snappily got up, picking up the folder with the documents and her bag, before marching out of the balcony.

Dilen stared at her back, watching her walk hastily out of the crowd of customers in the room. He looked back at his front.

"What just happened?"