Chapter 018 Insecurities -2

Song Recommendation: Alone pt. II by Alan Walker ft Ava Max

"What are you doing here? It's almost five, why aren't you home?" Yusuf asked, hopping and skipping his way over the small stones in his path to stand next to her.

He huffed, lowering himself to sit. "How far? (How are you?)"

"I'm alright", she shrugged, staring up at the sky.

"Nah, that's not true. You only come here for two reasons; To eat alone, or to be alone. So something must have happened. What happened?"

Delia remained quiet, looking up lost, before she finally asked, "How was prayer?"

"Don't dodge the question!". She chuckled, "Okay fine".

She sighed heavily, trying to find the right way to answer him. She began, "Can I ask you something?"


"What do you honestly think about my dressing?"

"Which dressing?"

"My style of dressing, mumu!". Yusuf chuckled, "Okay, honest opinion?"


He took in a deep breath, then let it out, "Your dressing... Oh okay. I think that the way you dress is awesome".

Delia hmphed at his statement, shutting her eyes, "Yeah right".

"No, I'm serious".

"No, you're not! You just don't want to hurt my feelings".

Yusuf sighed, slapping his head, "Okay, let me explain in detail...".

"The way you dress may not be like all these Hausa girls but, it's awesome that you are confident about being comfortable. You don't wear designers just to look good while struggling to breathe. You dress to be relaxed, free".

"You dress to hide your body, so that, when a guy show's you attention, it's not from your curves or shape, but from the character you display. So he's not looking at your body but your evil witchy attitude and character".

Delia laughed, "He said evil witchy! Ouch!". Yusuf chuckled, continuing with his explanation.

"And lastly, you dress to stand out. Like guy! Do you know how many girls have the courage in this part of the world to cut their hair so low and show it off! To be proud of it, and kill it with some neat styles! Like babe! Think about it!"

The edge of Delia's lips lifted into a grin.

"I know we don't say this so often but honestly, you're cool! Almost everyone in A.B.U. knows you, like you are a celebrity! You can stand in a crowd and catch anyone's eye. Your oddness is a trend most girls wish they could follow, but they don't just have guts".

Delia finally laughed out, "Ah-ah! Yusuf! You're a good hypeman!"

"Mumu" He pushed her head away, hissing.

"I'm serious na!" He frowned as Delia continued to laugh.

"Aww, that's so sweet. I have to buy you chewing gum for this!" Yusuf rolled his eyes. Delia laughed for a few more seconds, before finally calming down.

"Okay, okay, sorry na... Hehe", she readjusted herself, resting her back.

"This is why I don't give you compliments", Yusuf shook his head.

"Awww, I know! You love me, I love me too!" She punched his arm, causing him to chuckle. They smiled at each other, enjoying their sibling-like moment.

Yusuf suddenly asked after a few seconds of silence, "Was it Ben?"

"Huh?" Delia turned.

"Was it Ben? Was it Ben that made you start doubting yourself?" His expression turned worried.

Delia shook her head, "Nah, haven't spoken to Ben for months now".

"Then who was? Who was that man that had to audacity and might to make you! A whole Delia Alan, feel bad? I need to see him and shake his hand!"

"You're an idiot!" Delia raised her hand as if she wanted to punch him, causing him to flinch away. Delia laughed, biting her lips.

"It wasn't someone close, just a random dude who made a random statement".

"Then why did it hurt you? You hardly get affected by anyone", he tilted his head.

"I wasn't hurt by him. He just made me relive the moments with Benjamin. Moments that made me insecure".

"Well, I know!" He winked at her, "You're usually stronger than that. Benjamin shouldn't have control over your emotions".

"Yeah, you're right, he shouldn't. I guess it's just hard to move on from someone you poured out your whole time, heart, words, and affection to... To have them just forget about you like the wind".

"That's true, but don't worry. You're Delia, you'll get over it", Yusuf smiled. Delia stared into the distance, smiling.

It had been almost seven months since she stopped texting Benjamin and he never texted back. Since she stopped visiting him and he never did once. Since she stopped calling and caring, and he never did for once, try to find out why.

Their friendship dissolved in the wind without a say.

It was there and then she realized that she was the one chasing and holding up the friendship, while Benjamin didn't put half of the effort.

Sometimes she wondered; did he ever think of their friendship? Did he ever really care and held strong meaning to their connection?

• • •

"Welcome home, master", Robert bowed as he opened the door for Dilen. He walked in with his hands in his pocket, humming to Robert's greeting.

"How did it go, master?" Robert asked.

Dilen quietly made his way to the bar section of his living room, picking up a glass.

"Unexpected", was all he said.

"Did the young miss sign the papers, master?" He dared to ask, seeing as his master was in a good mood, smirking ever since he drove them home.

Robert had held in his curiosity, planning on asking about the meeting only when they got home.

Dilen continued to grin, pouring out his drink. "Not yet".

"Oh", Robert nodded. Maybe he might actually kill her after all, Robert thought to himself.


"Yes, master?"

"Are you sure of the information you gathered on the girl? Like everything?"

"Yes, master, I'm positive!"

"Hm", Dilen took a sip of his drink.

Although Delia provoked and offended him, he couldn't help wonder where she got such boldness from.

Her fearlessness was a bit off. For a girl who was raised in a completely happy ideal family, with love and affection.

Both parents wealthy and happily married, with an older sibling, alongside good academic records; meaning she must have been a teacher's pet.

In all the records, it didn't show that she was a victim of abuse, bullying or anything of the sort. Her life was almost perfect to have given her such a daring attitude.

He'd expect such from a girl who had suffered the rough edges of life. But not Delia.

She hadn't even been in any relationship; meaning no romantic drama or disappointment could have strengthened her so.

And her composure...

He narrowed his eyes.

She was too composed for the situations he put her under. Any normal person would not even act so... Calm. As if she was sure nothing was going to happen to her if she stood out.

"What?" He whispered to himself. "What could possibly make an average girl like her have so much confidence and fearlessness?"