Chapter 020 Hello Ego -2

Song Recommendation: 10 Bands by Joyner Lucas


Dilen reloaded the shotgun in his hand, aiming back once more to his target on the compound wall, outside.

He pulled the trigger, plastering the wall with the brains of the sixth sheep in line.

He had on a bored look, picking up a new set of reloads from the tray in Robert's hand.

Robert continued to speak, "So master, do you think young miss will sign it?"

"Yes", he cocked the gun, lifting.

"What if she doesn't, master?"

He shot the next sheep. "She will".

He began to study the gun, tilting it side to side. "How are you so sure, master?"

He aimed the next sheep, "Because-", he pulled the trigger, "-She took home the papers".

"What if she throws them away?"

"Then I'll send her a new one", he reloaded, getting the next. He shot.

"And if she refuses once more, master?"

"Then-", he aimed at the last target, "-We'll have no option than to design some new tools to fit her taste". He pulled the trigger on the last sheep tied to the wall.

Robert flinched at his master's words. By tools, he meant torture machines.

Dilen finally lowed his gun, exhaling, "She will have to agree. I despise the word 'No'".

Robert kept his stare down as his master continued to gaze over the blood on the white walls.

His face remained straight and bored, seeming like nothing was interesting to him. He finally spoke, "Robert, I'm bored. Let's bring in the head of the herd, shall we?"

Without thinking much, Robert turned to one of the guards, signaling them to the back. Dilen continued to stare at his latest masterpiece on the paint.

Footsteps started to echo from behind, alongside struggling groans and huffs.

Two guards continued to pull the slim tall man with grey hair, dressed in a native Fulani attire.

The man continued to grunt whilst trying to pull himself free. They finally stood him in front of Dilen, who had on a very bored and uninterested look.

The Hausa Fulani man began to run his mouth with pleads and begs in his native language, hoping to make Dilen release him.

"What is this animal saying, Robert?" He scanned the man like filth.

"He's asking you in the name of his God, Allah, to please release him. He's sorry for letting his animal ruin the flowers outside".

"Oh really? How cute", his voice came out sarcastic. The man continued to beg and lament.

Robert continued, "He says he has two wives and eight children. He is just struggling to feed and school them, please have mercy on him", Robert complete with hints of pity for the old man.

"Woah, two wives and eight kids? A true man", he cocked the gun and rose it to the old man's forehead.

"Let me think about it...."He pulled the trigger — Blood and flesh splatter in the air, casting unto the faces of his two guards. They stood still and emotionless like statues.

"No", Dilen handed the gun to Robert.

Dilen looked at one of his guards, "Dump his body around the nearest barrack in the town". He turned, pulling the end of his sleeve, "The drama it'll ignite between locals and military personnel should be fun".

He grinned, making his way to the main door, Robert followed behind. Robert pitied the poor late man, having to die in such a way. He knew very well his master cared less about any plant or flower in this world, and surely not the ones planted by the gate outside.

His master just decided to take action out of pure boredom and entertainment.

He noticed how his master was still unsatisfied with the destruction he caused. Dilen needed something more exciting and challenging, but nothing was around.

Almost reaching the door, Dilen asked, "Did you get the maid?"

"Yes, master".

"Info?" They walked into the mansion.

"Halima R. Suleiman. Muslim. None virgin. Twenty-three years old. Final year student in economics. She starts this afternoon afternoon".

Dilen reached the stairs, pausing, "Good. Make sure she's well educated on what to do before she brings my lunch to my room".

"Yes, master", he bowed as Dilen made his way upstairs.

• • •

Walking down the stairs in his bathroom robe, Dilen made his way to the kitchen.

Walking in slowly, his eyes fell on the slim tall light brown skinned girl, moving her fingers over the dishes in the sink. She immediately turned after sensing someone in the room.

She cleared her throat softly, "Um, good afternoon sir", she bowed lightly. Dilen eyes slowly gauged the girl once more.

She was dressed in a native Hausa Muslim attire, having her hair, arms, and legs properly covered in her free ankara wear. Dilen had on a boring look.

Although her body was covered, with his level of experience; he could see she didn't have any huge or very attractive features on her body. But her face was good enough.

He would just have to manage this one, he shrugged mentally.

"Halima?" He cocked his head.

"Yes, sir".

He hummed, walking up to the fridge. Pulling out a bottle of water and taking a swig, he turned to her.

"Bring my lunch in ten".

"Yes, sir". Without another word, he walked out.

After dishing his food, Halima made her way upstairs to his room. She knocked on his door.

"Come in".

She sighed softly before walking in. She immediately froze on the spot, seeing the half-naked man buckling his belt and facing the side.

Her eyes slowly started to trail down his muscular tight body, when she then shut her eyes, resisting temptation.

Dilen turned to her, "Bring it".

She mumbled a prayer under her breath, opening her eyes and looking down. She stepped forward to the bedside, pushing the trolley. She finally made it to his bedside, gently placing the tray of food on the stool next to the bed.

About to wry around and rush out of the room, Dilen said, "I need your help". She froze.

• • •

Delia let out a loud sigh of relief, standing up straight as she pulled up her pants. Walking out the toilet door, she padded to the hand sinks.

Opening the faucet, she washed her hands, then stretched to the side to dry her hands. Turning back to the mirror for one last glance, she spotted someone behind her.

Her eyes went wide.

Staring through the mirror, her eyes locked with the smiling girl behind her. The girl looked exactly like her; Exactly!

She snapped her head over her shoulder. She wasn't there. Delia exhaled slightly, glancing at the walls of the public restroom.

She gingerly stepped to the center, wondering if it was just her imagination.

"It's not your imagination", she heard a voice exactly like hers from behind. She shrieked, turning around.

Her body turned cold. The girl was a complete reflection of Delia; from her skin, face, hair and down to dressing, everything was exactly the same.

The girl smiled, "Be calming down, you should be used to shocks by now", the girl waved at her.

Delia continued to stare. She couldn't believe it.

If it was a ghost, spirit, shadow, silhouette, or even smoke, she wouldn't have been as surprised as she was looking at, at that very moment.

This was a new one. She, or it, had a complete stable human form; and not just any form, but her exact appearance. And that frightened her.

'What if it's a powerful new evil spirit?'

"I'm not an evil spirit,mumu", the girl gave her a bored look.

Delia quirked her brows, 'She can read my thoughts!!?'

"Some of it. The loud ones", the girl shrugged. Delia blinked her eyes repeating, trying to calm herself down.

"What are you?" Delia asked, after eliminated most of the shock from her mind.

The girl shrugged, "Babes, long story. After lecture. At the green field".

"But I aske-"

Delia tried to speak when someone pushed the main restroom door open. A fellow female student of a different level, walked in, giving Delia a perplexed look.

Gingerly, the girl walked forward, passing Delia to enter one of the toilet doors. Delia returned her stare back at the sinks, where her reflection was standing.

She wasn't there anymore.

• • •

During the last two lectures of the day, Delia's mind was nowhere near the building. Her mind was only calculating what she saw that afternoon and why?

Since when did her demons start having physical forms? Since when could they mimic her form outside her dreams? Since when did they have the power to appear and even pick the location for a meeting!?

Everything was running through her mind as she was seated on the front roll, staring blankly at the lecturer.

Finally, the last lecturer walked out, signalling the students to stand.

Delia wasted no time to jump off the table and march hastily to the door. She could hear Eboh and Beatrice calling out her name, but she chose to ignore it.

There were more pressing matters at hand.

Briskly making her way to her favorite spot in school, where the cloudless weather pour unto the evergreen surrounding; she jumped and skipped to her favorite giant rock.

She halted, looking around.

"Hello? Reflection? Hello?!" She scanned around the air.

A voice came from behind, "Woah, so Quith gets a dope name but I get 'Reflection'?"

Delia snapped her head around, sighting the stranger being that looked like her. She had on a stoic expression as she stared back at Delia.