Chapter 027 Going To America -5

"What?" Delia gave him a confused look, holding the hat which she had picked up.

Dilen got up sneerly from his seat, walking to stand next to her as he looked at the hat. With two fingers, he pulled the hat from her grip like a piece of trash, skimming his eyes over it.

"I knew you'd pick this hat. You're a Sia fan", he returned the hat to her. Recieving the hat, she looked at the all black hair attached to the black hat — that was to cover the face of the wearer, only leaving their lips visible.

She looked up at him, "You did your homework well".

"I do everything well", he shrugged with his hands in his pockets.

"Of course, you do. You're a nerd. A rich one", she turned back to the rack, searching for the clothes to match with her wigged-hat.

Dilen narrowed his eyes, "Nerd?"

Delia continued to look through the clothes, not facing Dilen. "Yeah, you're a nerd".

"What's your definition of a 'nerd'?"

"According to Hollywood–", she finally faced him, "Tall, blonde hair, glasses, formal clothings, fake polite smile, doesn't talk until needed... You're like the advanced version of typical high school nerds".

"Advanced?" He smirked.

"Yeah–", she turned back to the clothes, "–With your manageable look, hard soft-ish body, money and voice, I guess you try small", part of her Nigerian accent creeped in.

This made Dilen chuckle. "Hard soft-ish body? Really? How do you know that?"

"Because I walked in on you screwing one of my closest friend's sister. I think I saw enough at that moment to say you have a moderate body. Not too hard, not too soft".

She finally pulled out a black male tux, grinning. Dilen's lips fell into a thin line as he glanced at the clothes.

"You can't wear that".

"What? Why?" She looked at him.

"Because this much black makes you look like you're going for a funeral. And besides, you have to dress more feminine. No masculine pants and trousers".

"WHAT!?" She her brows knitted.

"Yes. Don't want the media thinking you're transgender or I'm gay. Now here", Dilen pulls out a mini gown.

It was striped with black and grey — made with a soft silky fabric.

Delia gingerly accepted with a frown.

She gave him a sore look before looking back at the dress. It ended right above her knees with long simple sleeves.

Dilen continued to stare at the pure hatred drawn all over Delia's face whilst staring at the dress. He finally commanded, "You have a good body, use it. Try the dress in the restroom".

He calmly walked back to his seat and sat. Delia continued to scan the dress before walking to the restroom, hissing.

After a few minutes, she walked out still dressed in her causal wear.

"It fits perfectly", she tossed the gown on the rack, taking the seat opposite him. Dilen had his head rested back on his seat with his eyes closed.

Delia ignored his ignorance, stretching out her legs as she clicked on her phone.

There was a long moment of silence between them.

Dilen finally spoke out of the blues. "In your contract, you wrote that, you don't want your identity or face shown to the public, right?"

"Yes?" She raised a brow.

"Did that include my family?"

Delia stayed quiet for a few seconds before she responded, "Will they mind if it does?" She asked with a stoic tone.

"I don't see why they should", he still didn't move or open his eyes.

"Hm... Okay. Then it does. It's a contract only between you and I, not them. I don't think they have any business seeing my face as long as I'm still black".

He finally opened his eyes, staring straight into her eyes. His lips slowly lifted into a grin, "Don't worry, they don't. There are way more hideous things for them to look at than your face".

He rested back.

Delia didn't respond as she re-analysed his words. Her eyes widened slightly.

"Woah!" Dilen smirk grew. "Karma definitely heard that!" Delia scowled.

Dilen shrugged.

Rolling her eyes, Delia pulled on her headphones and laid her head back.

'The lightning that will strike you is still on it's period!', she tsked, selecting a song on her phone.

• • •

Through out their long calm flight, Delia and Dilen didn't speak a single word. Delia had her eardrums blocked while Dilen engaged himself in books and work on his laptop.

In between the journey, both of them had their shifts of sleep.

Not even once did they acknowledge or glance at each other. Not even during their meals — They ate quietly.

• • •

Finally a few hours left before landing, Delia continued to kill time on her phone; while Dilen read a book silently.

Delia's eyes suddenly glanced at him. She paused. Her brows knitted in slight confusion as she narrowed keenly at one of his features.

His lips.

She continued to stare at his pinkish and soft looking lips that were pressed into a thin line. But she wasn't staring out of admiration or lust, but pure curiosity.

His lips minded her of something or someone, but she just couldn't put her finger on it... Who?

"If you stare any longer, you might as well kiss me", Dilen said, not shifting his eyes from his book. Delia instantly blinked, looking back at her phone.

"Hmph!" She blocked the temptation to speak back.

As she stared down at her screen, she stretched to the side to pick up a book from her bag. She then placed her headphones aside to give her ears some rest.

Locking her full attention on the open page of her book, Delia became more ignorant of the man before her.

"You know", Dilen broke the silence, "You have beautiful eyes though".

"I know". She ignored him.