Chapter 040 Breakfast With Liams

Song Recommendation: Blank Page by Sia

Unfortunately, Delia damned her sudden whim, making her way downstairs for breakfast.

On reaching the luxurious looking dining room, roamed with maids dressed in black and white— serving the Liams; Delia walked up to one of the golden designed seats at the right side of Dilen.

Before taking her seat, she gave a respectful bow to the five seats on the table; Marylin, Rohan, Susan, Victoria, and her husband, James.

Delia sat under down gracefully.

Before a maid could drop the plate in front of Delia, Marylin hmphed loudly. All heads turned to her. "I didn't know we'd be having a stranger joining us for breakfast today".

"That makes both of us", Dilen answered nonchalantly, giving his mother a polite smile.

With utmost respect, Delia remained still and quiet, looking down at the meal that caused her tummy to rumble in disgust.