Chapter 041 Number One Fan

Song Recommendation: Oceans by Hillsong United

Delia stepped up the last stair, entering the into corridor. She was about to bend to her bedroom door, when the sounds of piano keys pull her attention.

She froze by her door. The keys were gentle and soothing-but it wasn't upstairs; where the piano room was located. It was from Ariella's room.

Narrowing her eyes, she began padding towards Ariella's room which was much further from her's and Dilen's.

Reaching the door, she stood next to it, hearing the the young girl's voice sing. Delia gently knocked.

"Who is it!?" Ariella ceased her keys.


There was silence from Ariella's side, making Delia stand there and wait for her response.

"Come in", Ariella finally said. Delia slowly pushed the door open to step into the pink glittery room.