Chapter 066 Shame & Guilt - 3

Song Recommendation: Storm by Ruelle

Delia stepped out of the bathroom with a can of air freshener as she continuously filled the air with its refreshing scent. 

"Kai! How can a fine girl like me shit such a shit!" She held her nose dramatically, slamming the door before walking up to her bed.

Throwing herself flat on her tummy, she locked her focus back on the open textbooks spread on her bed to resume studying.

But as seconds turned to minutes, Delia started to get bored of what she already knew. She then turned to lie on her back while staring at the ceiling.

The room was filled with dead silence and Delia's thoughts began to play randomly. Then it brought back her worst memory.

A knot tied in her belly, replaying a scene from her intensed night with Dilen. She started to recall the way her body felt when he touched her. The way he took his gradual time to drag his finger over her skin and excite her insides.