Chapter 067 Shame & Guilt - 4

Song Recommendation: Snowman by Sia

"Delia?" The voice called again.

Delia slowly pulled her hands from her face, raising her gaze — her room was back to normal.

She slowly got on her feet and turned in the direction of the window that revealed the early evening sky.

Her brows quirked at the figure standing by the window. "Aileed?"

"Hello, Delia", Aileed smiled, dressed in the same outfit as Delia. "Miss me?" She crooked her head.

Delia frowned, "Where have you been!?!"

"Were you looking for me?"

"YES! I have so many questions!"

"Three. Shoot!" Aileed crossed her arms.

Delia then paused for a moment before responding, "Okay. One, why is Quith bigger and stronger?"

"Because you're here. There is an evil entity nearby that enabled Quith to feed off of it and grow in strength. And just like it said, it's also because you've become small. Small in faith and confidence".

"Small? How?" Delia was confused.