Chapter 069 New Case - 2

Song Recommendation: Bad Reputation by Shawn Mendes

"Okay, Ms. Delia, I'll be back to pick you in two hours time". Robert smiled, standing in front of the open car door with Delia opposite him.

She immediately shook her head, "Oh no, Mr. Roberts, don't worry. Roman will drop me home".

"Unfortunately, I can't, Delia. Master ordered me to bring you home myself".

"He did?"

"Yes", he bowed, "He was very firm on that".

"Oh", Delia adjusted her veil hat, "Okay then. Thank you again", Delia bowed, watching Robert turn around to step back into the driver's seat before starting the car and driving off.

She then turned to face the five star apartment block.

She walked in.

Delia had already done the needful of inquiring Roman's room number from Robert, permitting her to make her way to the elevator to the known floor.