Chapter 070 New Case - 3

Song Recommendation: Humble by Kendrick Lamar

"... Then after I came out of the bathroom, Clancy wasn't there. I asked the man who sat next to us and he said she went out with a tall blonde man in glasses".

"And did you call, Ms. Clancy to be sure?" Asked the accuser's lawyer — Barrister Adams.

Ruby, the young teenage girl in the witness box nodded. "I did. I even went out to the direction the man showed me and I only saw three black cars zoom off. Two Rolls Royce and one sport car".

"Did you notice the plate number of any? And can you tell us?"

"Yes. It was DL-2530 for the spots car. I can't recall the others", Ruby responded.

"Objection, my lord!" Stood Dilen's lawyer, Barrister Timothy.

"Overruled!" The judge pointed him down. "You may proceed", he nodded to the witness.