Chapter 120 Billie Eilish

Song Recommendation: Bad Guy by Billie Eilish

"What the hell!!!"

"How can you not know BILLIE EILISH!!?"

Delia knitted her brows, "Is that why you stopped the car in the middle of road!?"

"Yes! How dare you not know Billie!?"

"Ah! She be God? My friend move this car!" The vehicles lined behind their car began to hunk angrily. Ariella hissed, starting the engine and drove on.

She then glanced at Delia, "But seriously! How do you not know her? Even an infant knows her".

"Well I don't know. Maybe I've never listened to her song".

"That's even worst! Like she's one of the most tending artist that sings the voice of every youth!"

Delia cocked a brow, "Excuse you, no one can speak my voice, because they don't understand my language. Besides, how is it my business to know or care who you dumb humans idolise? You people can adore a celebrity to the greatest verge of stupidity".