Chapter 121 Depression Demons

Song Recommendation: Almost Home by MercyMe

After the long boring afternoon of sticking, clipping, tapping and drawing everything 'Billie Eilish' on cardboards and banners; Delia requested Ariella to take her back home early, refusing to go to the concert.

Without much words being wasted in convincing Delia to follow, Ariella returned her home at about six in the evening, leaving just with Penny to the concert location.

"How was your day, mistress?" Sally bowed, standing by the door. 

"It was okay, thank you very much".

"Lovely. Why don't you go upstairs and get changed while I get dinner ready?"

"Sure. Thank you", Delia bowed, padding up the stairs.

Sally watched her walk away, chuckling at the fact she was too polite and respectful for a mistress of the entire Clark empire. He smiled, turning to the kitchen to go and prepare her meal.