Chapter 128 She Can Never Love Him - 1

Song Recommendation: My Heart Hurts by DAX

Delia stomped out of the room, halting at the stair rails; looking down at the living. She sighed, palming her face. She exhaled loudly.

Everything enraged her. Ariella, her marriage, Damien—everything. Her head was hot from all her overthinking she felt like she could steam beef on her skull.

She sighed heavily, walking to the wall and leaning her back against it as she sat on the floor. She held her temple, looking down.

As seconds passed, she then heard a door creak at the side. She raised her head in the direction of the noise; Her eyes fell on the slightly open door that creaked once more.

She narrowed her eyes. Delia then realized had been so mentally distracted in the house that she has never truly explored the gigantic building. From just a glance, one would know there were many routes and doors to many rooms and locks in the mansion.