Chapter 129 She Can Never Love Him - 2

Song Recommendation: Space Between Us by Sia

Delia laid on her bed, staring vaguely at the ceiling-to-floor window, lost in thought. She sighed softly, flicking her finger on the edge of the sheets.

She then heard a thud at the foot of the bed. She pushed herself up. Alieed stood before her. Delia stared back at her, carrying almost the same stoic facial expression as Alieed. 

Aileed tilted her head, "How are you feeling?"

"Horrible", Delia rubbed the black bags beneath her eyes.

"It's just getting started".

Delia exhaled loudly, "I know".

"Delia, you know very well how to stop all of these. Right?"

"I know", Delia looked down, biting her lower lips.

"How long to you plan to lie to yourself, Delia?" 

Delia remained quiet.