Chapter 142 First Butt Squeeze

Song Recommendation: All My Friends by AJ Mitchell

Delia sat on the couch of their bedroom, staring boredly at the television. She hugged her thighs, sighing heavily in boredom.

"He's coming..."

She snapped her head to the side, scrunching her brows. She glancing around the empty bedroom. She then glanced at the clock, 11:21 PM. Damien wasn't home yet.

She shook her head, turning back to the television, watching her favourite shows on NaGeo Wild.

"He's not who you think he is..."

She tore her stare away from the screen, looking around the room. She frowned. "Quith!"

And immediately a sharp wind blew from the open window, having the lights flicker off in a second. Quith appeared in a smokey manner before her.

"Who's he?"

Quith, as a tall black being only looked down at her. He then began to laugh.