Chapter 143 What Happened To Andrew

Song Recommendation: Broken Glass by Sia

Damien sat silently in the driver's seat, keeping his eyes locked on the dark lonely road as he drove out of town.

He glanced at Delia from the corner of his eye; she remained quiet, staring outside the window with a stoic expression as the car moved.

Ever since they left the mansion, Delia hadn't said a single word after her request.

She just reminded mute and went to change before he followed, after accepting to take her to where she wanted.

Where Andrew was...

He wasn't sure how she had gotten to know such information, nor why she even wanted to see him so suddenly; but all he knew was that he had to do what she wanted — she had the full right to know.

He exhaled deeply, hoping what and where he was taking her too would not be too shocking for her.