Chapter 163 Power Couple

Song Recommendation: 7 Rings by Ariana Grande

Damien stepped down from the car, straightening his expensive black suit. He turned around, stretching out his hand for his wife's delicate hands.

Delia slowly stepped down, standing next to Damien. The two were both dressed in identical black suits; with Delia having on her dark veil hat.

"Mrs. Clark?" Damien gave her a subtle bow.

"Mr. Clark", she bowed back, smiling at him.

With their guards at both sides and a few standing by the door, the couple padded towards the building main door.

The door bings open, causing all the staffs in the hall to rise from their seats and bow. Like royalty, the two padded forward.

The Clarks made their way to the elevator.

They then stepped out.

"M- Mas- master Damien?" Jim stammered at the sight of the death-lurking auraed couple that were padding towards to the conference door. They looked more frightful in black, seeming like a death couple.