Chapter 164 In The Graveyard - 1

Song Recommendation: Love The Way You Lie by Rihanna

The phone slipped from Damien's hand, plummeted unto the floor.

Delia furrowed her brows. "Bobo?" She stepped closer. "Is something wrong?"

Damien stood there still with plain expression, staring vaguely at the space in front of him.

Delia paced forward, tilting her head, "Bobo? What's wrong?" She stretched out her hand to grab his shoulder. "Dam—"

He snapped his head over his shoulder, slowly turning his body. He blinked his eyes repeatedly as if breaking from a trance before clearing his throat.

"Huh? Uh..." He pushed out a nervous smile, "Sorry, wifey. Just got a little lost in thought".

She frowned, "In just fifteen seconds? What kind of thoughts were those?"

Damien chuckled, "Just work related".

"Who was on the phone? Jim?"

"Huh? Uh", Damien glanced at the phone then back. "Uh, yeah- yeah yeah, it was him".