Chapter 174 Alan's New Houseboy - 1

Song Recommendation: September song by JP Copper

After a long one hour of a forceful class of African and European racial history, Damien finally made his tired way up to his room before throwing himself on the bed.

Dressed in a plain white shirt and jeans he had picked from the closet, he rested on the bed, letting out a loud sigh.


He thrusted his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, clicking the screen and placing the phone on his ear.


"What is it, Jack?" Damien rubbed his forehead.

"Just checking out your new Nigerian number", Jack laughed. "How are things going with your in-laws?"

"So far, I've only confirmed one thing. My father and brother-in-law hate us whites and think we're all racist".

"Woah, interesting. So I'm guessing you won't be telling them the truth anytime soon?"