Chapter 175 Alan's New Houseboy - 2

"What!?" Damien's brows reached the top of his skull. "I have to wash all these!?" He asked in disbelief.

"Eh-hen! It's not much, bah?" Juliet smiled, holding her waist as she stared at the stack of plates on the kitchen sink.

"Not much? Did you guys have a party here or something? Why do you have so much dirty plates!?"

"After dinner last night, mum said I should leave the plates for this morning. Then plus plates of today's breakfast. This is the total".

Damien scratched the back of his head, "The fuck-"


"Oh... Oops, sorry", Damien laughed nervously, turning back to the mountains of dishes.

"And um... You mum said we should wash all of it?"

"It was actually dad's instruction that you wash all the plates alone, since you slept through breakfast and woke up around 8am. But mum told me to come and help".

"But I didn't know you guys have breakfast at 5:30am on the dot. I assumed 7:30 at least".