Chapter 187 Anniversary Party - 1

Delia remained seated on their bed, staring down at the veterinary textbook on her laps.

She was dressed in nothing but her underwears and a baggy shirt.

Damien padded out of the closet, tapping casually on his phone as he strode to bed. He mounted the bed, resting his back against the headboard.

He then pulled his gaze to Delia's back. She didn't spare him a single glance.

It was already more than an entire hour-yet neither of them had said a word to each other since they got back. Damien had tried to subtly communicate with her — but she blankly pretended he didn't exist.

That was the first time ever he had seen her so upset. All because of Roman? He tsked, turning back to his phone.

He let out a sigh.

Part of his mind told him it may somewhat be entirely his fault, yet again, another felt she may just be overreacting.

... Or maybe not.