Chapter 188 Anniversary Party - 2

Song Recommendation: Always by Francisco Klark

"Mrs. Delia Clark. Nice to meet you".

"No, the pleasure is all mine", his handsome smile widened, revealing his straight white roll of teeth with an innocent glint in his eyes.

He then ket out a chuckle as their hands separated, "I am actually surprised the rumor are true".


"About the Damien Clark actually being married. He didn't strike me as the husband type".

"I didn't strike myself as the wife type either but here I am", she shrugged.

Simon laughed, "I see".

The two of them smiled, turning back to the crowd. Simon then added, "It was nice though".


"The way you spoke about our continent. It was good to hear someone actually say good things about the place and not using it as a reference to poverty or so".

"Yeah... It's sickening how over exaggerated it is. Even in Hollywood movies. And why they always use us as examples of everything poor".