Chapter 194 The Clark's Interview - 2

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I'm your host for today, Zara George". The smiling hostess sat on the centre couch on set, staring at the small audience seated opposite her.

The audience applauded.

She smiled, turning to the nearest camera. "This evening, our show, Talk With Us, will be having two very special guests today!"

The audience screamed in excited.

"Ever since we had announced that we would have two surprise guests on today's show on twitter, our guess responses have been going sky high! Some even offered to pay for the guests reveal!"

She chuckled, "But trust me, if I wasn't getting paid enough, I would have wired them my account number long ago for the information leak".

The crowd laughed.

She then exhaled, "Anyways! Ladies and gentlemen, after the long wait and curiosity for today's shows, I present you, our guests for the evening!"