Chapter 195 Demon Eye - 1

Song Recommendation: Demons by Nightcore (female version)

Delia laid against the headboard of their bed, having Damien lie on her chest between her legs as they locked their eyes on the Television screen.

Delia sat in her panties and an oversized shirt, holding a bowl and spoon and stirring its content; while Damien remained in his shorts, enjoying the warmth of his wife's body.

Damien then opened his mouth, having Delia fed him a spoon of the unknown mixture she created.

He chewed the sweet combination, tasting the flavour of groundnuts and milk. He then looked up at her, "Putain, what is this?" He finally asked after eating more than half of the bowl already.

Delia stirred the mixture. "It's called 'Soaked Garri'", she fetched another spoon, feeding him. He chewing loudly, "What's it made of?"

"Do you remember that eba I made for you with egusi soup?"

He nodded.