Chapter 197 Office Surprise - 1

Damien sighed once more, rubbing his forehead as he stared down at the screen on his office desk.

His fingers ran faster over the keys of his laptop, flickering his gaze between the sheet of document and his screen.

The door then pushed open, having his assistant, Jim, walk in.

"Good afternoon, master", Jim strode forward, bowing.

Damien didn't lift his gaze. "Did you get the papers?"

"Yes, master".

Damien finally looked up. "Give them to me", he stretched out his hand, receiving the folder.

Damien pushed his laptop aside, flipping open the folder. He skimmed briskly through the paragraphs on the sheet, flipping to the next.

He then shut it, dropping it on the table. "Very well. Jim?"

"Yes, master?"

Damien leaned back, stretching down to pull open a drawer. He flipped through the files in search of a particular one. He then pulled out two, stretching forward to select more documents from the table.