Chapter 198 Office Surprise - 2

Jim strode briskly through the long corridor in aim of the distant elevator on the other side — The elevator doors slid open. He halted.

Jackson Quinn then stepped out with his attention locked on the document in his hands. He continued to flip through whilst padding forward.

"Good morning, Master Quinn".

"Morning, Jim", Jack halted, looking up, "Is Damien in?"

"Yes, master Quinn".

"Good", Jack continued to pad forward.

"B- But, Master Quinn... Master is not al—"

Jack blankly ignored him, engrossed in the papers before him as he padded straight and took a bend to the next corridor.

Jim grimaced.

Jack strode for a few minutes to finally reaching Damien's door. He pushed open without knocking, striding in with his eyes on the sheets.

"Hey, Clarker, have you see-" Jack gazed up, instantly freezing on the spot. His brows shot to the roof of his skull.