Chapter 218 Judas Time - 1

"Prove it, Sammy. Prove you truly love me, Sammy!"

"I... I do, Cindy... I do", he clutched unto the glass, tearing the skin of his palms.

More tears slipped from his eyes.

"Then do it! DO IT!" She cried.

Judas shut his eyes, bracing himself — he pierced thrpugh the air in aim of his Adam's apple.

A pair of hands grabbed his from behind. The shard froze inches from his sweaty neck.

"Judas, what the fuck!!" Michael shouted, grabbing his wrists tighter. "What the fuck are you doing!?"

"Leave me!" Judas struggled, pulling the glass closer to his neck.

Michael groaned, fighting back to pull Judas's hands apart. "Judas, let go! Now!"

"NO! NO!" He cried, clutching harder unto the glass. Blood slipped from between his fingers.

He groaned, "I won't! Not again! Not to her! I have to prove myself! Or she'll never forgive me!"

Michael quickly grabbed Judas's bloody hands. He grunted, trying to separate his grip. "Stop it!"