Chapter 224 Roman's Return - 3

Two of policemen stepped to their front, blocking their path. "Excuse me, ma'am, but you are not allowed to—" Her guards shoved them out of the way.

A good number of police officers immediately pulled out their guns. Delia's guards pulled out theirs as well.

Delia gazed at the men in uniform closest to them. The audacity. She frowned. "Put down your guns".

"Ma'am, I said you are not allowed in there. Please have your men stand down and step back", the higher ranking officer ordered.

Delia didn't respond, scanning him from head to toe.

Michael frowned, tightening his fingers on his gun, "Do you know who you are talking to!?"

Delia stepped closer, brining herself to his face. Her red eyes shun underneath the fabric of her veil. She snarled, "I said, put them down".

Her eyes stared deeply into the officer's. In a few seconds, the officer's brows quirked in realization. His began to shiver, taking a step back.

"M- Mrs Clark?..."