Chapter 237 Sacrificial Goats - 1


The car flew off the cleft and into mid-air, having the demons jumped out to reach for the them.

The jeep's fore-tyres slammed hard unto the ground; causing the car to somersault over the grassland.

In a single round; it bashed it's front against a large tree trunk—activating the airbags.

The creatures in the air fell down to the bottom of the cleft; the sound of water splash echoed.

The rest pulled to a stop, growling as they watched their vehicle on the other side.

The driver's door kicked open first. Damien stepped out, grabbing unto the door frame for support as he held his head.

He grunted, taking a few moments to pant as his body was still in shock and his legs partly numb.

He took a step forward, "Fuck..." He rubbed his head, feeling traces of blood prickle down between his strands.

How did he even get injured?