Chapter 238 Sacrificial Goats - 2

The beasts began to sniff the bag and clothe, before crawling around, sniffing the air.

They suddenly roared in a particular direction, racing forward.

Damien remained absolutely still, waiting till he could even heard the sound of their steps as it faded in one direction.

He immediately gasped, throwing his head back. "I can't believe it... It actually worked". He whispered, before letting out a chuckle.

"I can't believe that actually worked..."

Delia suddenly moaned in her subconscious state, seizing his attention.

"Del? Delia?" He patted her cheek, still getting no response from her.

He grimaced, "Sorry, Del..."

He gazed at the direction the beasts ran in. He sighed, knowing the next idea in his head; which was definitely a bad one.

He sighed, slowly getting up as he laid Delia to lean against the trunk. He then peaked her head, before stepping away from their hiding spot.