A Strange Ability

"With all the energy he had absorbed from you and them fighting, he had grown into quite a monster in quite a short time. However, it is a shame such a power boost will be short lived, it would have been nice to have him become a titan," Krenk said to the unconscious body of the village chief.

With the threats distracted, Krenk was finally able to focus on the most important task,healing the village chief. Normally, he wasn't meant to interfere directly with the affairs of the village, but after their sworn enemy had nearly decimated the entire village, he was forced to act. What he didn't consider was that Red Raven would send a Stage 2 Pyrokinetic.

With his ability, Krenk had managed to heal most of the serious injuries, but his heart beat was still faint. Panicked, he glanced at the battle taking place to take his mind off the possible loss.

'He isn't even being affected by the flames? Well, this should be expected. While he and I watched from the background, heavy clashes and fire balls had been unleashed, containing enough power to wipe out an army of 1,000,000 weak men. But still, his ability should still be relatively weak, he shouldn't have the capacity to become so strong right off the bat.'

Krenk returned his attention to the fair grounds health statue of the old village chief. His ability had been used to its limit, and if he were to push himself further, bad things would happen to the ability user.

'My only option is to take him back to the shelter. There are other powerful healers who should be able to heal him. But I need to find a secret door while remaining undetected by those two, well, one,' Krenk thought, seeing the cloud of dust from the distance and hearing a loud, probably loud screams of the other man.

'He is doing really well,' Krenk smiled.

While Brandon was busy conversing with the last man standing, Krenk took this opportunity to drag the chiefs body into a nearby secret door and take him to the shelter.


"Do you understand?" Brandon asked.

"Yes, sir, every word," the man replied.

"I appreciate that. One more thing, tell me, what's your name?"

The man responded with silence.

Irritated, Brandon gripped the other half of his mask, tearing it off.

His eyebrow rose.

"You look my age. Well, I shouldn't be surprised about that at this point."

He glared intently at the teenager.

"Answer the question."

"I'd rather die that tell you. You may remember my face, but that can be changed once I leave this vile place," he countered.

"Vile? Look who's talking. You and your dead are the ones who are vile. Coming into an innocent village and killing the civilians? You guys are monsters!" Brandon snapped.

His frustration towards the Red Ravens, although not knowing them or the villagers, was because of his experiences in life, and having to relive those awful memories through watching Red Raven unleash cataclysm upon these folks wasn't something he would let slide.

"Since you'll be getting a new face, you wouldn't mind if I..."

Since both of the boy's hands had also been impaired, there was nothing stopping Brandon from gripping his head and scratching it across hard rock. The result was a path of blood mixed with dirt. His condition was quite dreadful.

"Now I can't just go back on my word now, can I?" Brandon asked, but go no reply. "Get out, and do as I asked," he ordered the downed teenager. One would think it would take a miracle to make him get back up.

Turning his head, Brandon wished to get back to the shelter. His job here was done, but there was something else bothering him, which made him stop in his tracks. As his anger subsided, he slowly returned back to his senses.

"Where exactly is that entrance again?"


Meanwhile, back at the shelter, Krenk had handed over the village Chief's unconscious body to the other healers. Since there were already so many patients, they had already used their ability near the limit, so there wasn't much they could do to help the village chief.

"I'm sorry, but we've done our best. All we can hope for is that he can heal himself in his current state," a woman said, donning a bright yellow garment with flowers designs near the collar and on the sleeves, the same attire Krenk wore, which symbolized they are healers.

"I hope you're right," Krenk said.

Looking around, he noticed someone wasn't there.

"Where's Spade?"

The woman seemed nervous to reply.

"Tsk. That battle hungry bull! What's he gonna do now? The battle is already over!"

"Speaking of battle... what is going to become of our people, Krenk," the woman asked.

"I am not the one to answer that question, Crunch," Krenk replied, his gaze shifting to the body lying in the centre of a magic circle.


Gazing upon the vast destruction the invaders had caused, rage pulsed through his veins, but there was nothing he could do to soothe his growing rage. So far, the threat had been dealt with, the people of Sunhill Village had won, though at a terrible cost.

"Is it even worth it in the end?" Spade said. Arriving at the surface through another passageway, it took him a while until he spotted Brandon walking back and forth aimlessly, before ultimately entering a nearby passageway.


"Hmm? Now I remember. Me and that short stuff we're watching the fight from you there. Man, how could I forget something so obvious?" facepalming himself, he made his way to the entrance. He was at least glad he was finally acting like his old self, whatever inhuman strength he had gained seemed to have affected him mentally.

"But I still hope I don't loose these powers," just to be sure he still had them, and to remind himself that everything wasn't in his head, he picked up a large rock, and grinded it to dust.

"Strength test, check."


"Why did he let that Red Raven member escape?!" Spade clenched his fists angrily.


While Brandon was retracing his steps, the beaten down teenager had some life return to his body as his fingers shivered and his eyes slowly batted open, although he could mostly see blurred red. The pain was also on an unspeakable level.

'Vanish,' the boy thought, and his body transformed into black particles which dispersed and vanished.


"What a fool," Spade said angrily. That person would have allowed them to track down the secret base of Red Raven, but now that he had vanished, they were back to square one, a shattered village, and no leads.

"I'll make sure I teach that boy a lesson one day," Spade promised himself as he returned back to the shelter. Brandon was already on his way there, so there was no reason for him to stay up alone in the open, and he wasn't ready to go on an all-out hunt for stray Red Raven members. The East Kingdom was vast, and it would take him years to search the entire region with his current statue as Titan Leader of Sunhill Village.