Zacharias's Fate

Zacharias's eyes followed every woman's movement. But in a rapid motion of Arkhero's hand, the image disappeared, and the water returned to its original form.

"Now take that into consideration," Arkhero said. "When Lilian or whatever her name in the future reincarnated in a different person, you would grow old and die without realizing the good beginning of a new fruitful romance. Reflect carefully upon my offer; a great opportunity awaits you, everlasting life if you're like us. You shall remain in your present position forever. And you will be fortunate in the future with the woman you love... "

Zacharias hesitated for a moment. A bitter smile formed on his lips. "For what is this about, Arkhero?" He sneered, not trusting the oldest vampire. "What is at stake for this noble kind of offer? You're not here for a little tidbit."

"It is no secret to my knowledge all the bravery you have shown in your pack of wolves. You are the one I have chosen to lead my race at another time in a different world where my kind lives with the mortals. I will give you what I possess because of your courage and bravery as a wolf warrior. My blood will be yours and all my abilities as an immortal and healing as a magician. You will be a good and loyal leader of the good kind of vampires…."

"But why me? Why not Lucius - ?"

"He is not fitted as the heir of my ability. He is selfish and trying to control all our kind for his self-interest alone. And it can never be Anton. Lucius controls him. Most of all, I want my daughter to be with a man, worth of what I can offer."

That information took him by surprise. His woman failed to mention her birth father.

"Even before Sybil married Lucius' father, who was the most powerful vampire at the time, we both had an understanding already. Maximo knew that, but he still pursued and married the woman I loved. And by the power of the Sorcerer, the memory of Sybil has vanished, erased. Before Lilian was born, I was captured and buried alive under the ground. There was the chain of silver around the coffin's interior, along with the enchantment of a great sorcerer whom Maximo paid.

"How did you get out of the dungeon?" asked Zacharias while he was silent.

"On the day of Sybil's birth, I managed to link our minds. By the strength of her power, she conquered the witch's spirit. She managed to get me out of my house, but that same day, Maximo killed her. " Arkhero ended up with a deep sigh of sorrow escaped from his lips.

"What a sad result of your love, Arkhero..." He nodded in agreement. "Will she be back to reunite with you?"

"Nay, I've shared bad actions, deeds... That made me not be with her for a long time. Unless I can have someone like you to transfer all I have and help me purify my soul to be with her. Now, speak up if you accept the"

"Start whatever you, Arkhero. For Lilian and be with her in the future, I accept your offer, "he said, taking off the silver necklace and putting it around the neck of the deceased loved one. "I'm ready for a new life to be with my beloved…."

For a moment, Arkhero's eyes widened. "You are a smart warrior, Zacharias," he said formally. For the first time, a sweet smile appeared on Arkhero's lips. He was looking at the great warrior in front of him.

Suddenly, a sound came from the pendulum wall clock hanging down the stairs. It's midnight.

"Granny, what happened to Zacharias?"

"Of course, he turned into a vampire wolf, Ashley," Alissa responded.

"Granny, Lilian, and Zacharias will meet again?" Ashley was so intently interested in the narration of her grandmother's story. "Did Zacharias transform into a powerful vampire?"

"Those are questions I cannot answer right now, Ashley. Time will tell. Zacharias has not reached the future until now. "

"How can you be so sure, grandma?"

"If what Arkhero said comes true, the sun and the moon will soon come closer. It will be dark for a while. At that moment, the Nosferatu will interact with the people, and a bloody black shape of the moon appears. Those are some of the signs. And that hasn't happened yet…."

"Grandma, will they attack the mortals?" said Ashley.

"Grandmother, do you mean that everything you have told us is true?"

"Alissa, what I narrated just now was only said to me by our ancestors who transmitted it to our families. Oh, it's already midnight. You two should be in bed."

The two ladies stood up quietly. One by one kissed their grandmother's cheek.

ANGELINE tiptoed, went back to her room, and quietly shut her door, so her siblings believed she was already sleeping.

She let go with a deep sigh while laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her mind went back to what happened earlier that evening. She thought that Jacob would cancel his proposal if he found out about the strange things about her. But instead, he was broadminded enough and accepted that fact of her life. What now? She questioned herself.

She flipped to the other side of the bed, facing the thick maroon curtain that covers the glass wall going to the balcony of her room. Her grandma replaced it urgently when she told her about the issue with her eyes.

She realized that she couldn't turn down her grandmother. Madam Alecia never denied whatever she asked for, even when she requested to let her go to Spain for some time. She stayed away to avoid seeing Stefanie and Tristan, and worst, her brother Jacob. She was too embarrassed to face the man upon remembering what happened that night. Until that very moment, still fresh from her memory.