The Betrayal of Friendship

ANGELINE was excited while walking until she entered the vast lawn of the Medici family, three houses away from their own house. The house is old and made of wood. It looks ancient. Is the house no different from a colossal haunted house? Unlike the Medici's house, their house was half concrete and wood.

She stopped walking when she noticed a beautiful woman standing next to the vehicle, and the front seat door was open. She was smiling but eyed her with interest.

Angeline returned the smile. It's Michelle, the love interest of Stefanie's brother, her first crush since she was thirteen years old.

She continued walking and stopped at the garden when an older man tending to the spacious garden looked at her. He knew her already. She was frequently a visitor to the Medici's house.

"Good morning, Pepe," she greeted the old gardener, who returned her smile.

"Is it Tefie?"

"Yes," she confirmed. "This is a surprise visit. Is she around?"

"I saw her in the swimming pool with a visitor."

She just nodded and went straight to the main entrance of the house. She saw a familiar figure from the stairs going down. A smile played on his lips when he saw her.

Jacob! Her brain somewhat screamed his name.

"Angeline... What a surprise to see you here."

"Why?" She asked with her eyes focused on the man.

"I haven't seen you here lately."

"Busy..." her short reply. "You know, a student's life can be very busy."

"That's good. What brings you here?"

"Your sister, of course," she replied, smiling.

Jacob laughed. "Right, who else..."

She slightly arched her eyebrows, then stopped while looking at him. Uncontrollably, her eyes wandered across the man. It was the first time she had seen him in that order. Usually, he's wearing a formal three-piece suit. Stefanie's brother is a competent lawyer and the Chairman of their law office company. But today is different. He wore a simple blue t-shirt paired with gray denim shorts and brown leather sandals, making her heart dribble. He was still good-looking, even in simple clothes.

From his thighs, her eyes went up to his face. But to her surprise, the guy quietly looked at her with his eyebrows arched. Then he slowly smiled like taunting her without a word. It seemed like he knew what she was thinking. She felt her cheeks burning.

"I'll... I'll go straight to the pool." She hurried away from his eyes. She was like halfway running without looking back, then slowed down. She tried to catch his image from the corner of her eyes. She got far.

She could no longer even see the shaking of the man's head whose eyes followed her away. Angeline caressed her heated face. Such a reaction every time she saw the man.

She heaved a sigh, pacifying herself. Until now, she can't stop admiring the man. She thought she was over fantasizing about him, but to see him again in rugged clothes made her heartbeat kick so strong. She took a deep breath. She quietly cursed herself for behaving like a stupid girl in front of him. How can she face him again? She shook her head.

Argh. I don't want to think about it. Angeline was thinking and calming herself before her eyes searched for her friend. She kept walking, then found Stefanie, but she was not alone. She was hugging a man.

"No, I can't do that, Tristan..."

"But Tefie, we made a big mistake," The man's voice was in a panic. "Come on. We can do this to her. I'm sorry but I can't Tefie."

"Don't be a coward, Tristan. After what happened to us? I'm begging you to tell her the truth. Be honest because I feel guilty whenever we see each other."

"I can't tell her, Tefie. You know I love her, and I can't bear to see her getting hurt from- "

"And what happened to us?" She cut his words. "Tell me…what about me, Tristan?

"I need your understanding. My love-"

"All right. Let's say you love Angeline, but does she loves you? Does she? "

"That's not the issue now, Tefie-"

"Don't be stupid, Tristan. I knew you were unhappy with her, even if you claimed you loved her. But she can't give you that kind of attention you expect from her. I care for my friend, but I have always loved you. Even though you focus your full attention on her. "

"I didn't mean it to be like this. You better listen to me, Tefie-"

"Tristan, please. I'm trying to understand you, but don't turn your back on me. Not now, Tristan. I need you and our coming baby. Please..."

Angeline was stunned and heard it all. Disbelief was written all over her face. She could not move, with her feet nailed to the thick Bermuda grass she was standing on. She was speechless, which Tristan did when he turned around and saw her. His face paled suddenly.

"Angeline...," said the man. "Please, wait!"

She turned around to where she came from when Tristan approached her. She ran as fast as she could away from him. In her haste to get away, she ran into Jacob's body, whose direction was toward the swimming pool. They both lost their balance. She fell to the floor, and the man was on top of her. Their eyes locked. But instantly, he rolled her with him. Made her on top.

"Give me a sec..." He said, somewhat in pain as well. "That was bad..."

She managed to collect her composure. She rolled to the floor when she felt the pain in the part of her hips. She closed her eyes tightly as she bit her lower lip to keep herself from groaning with severe pain. And tried to get up again, but the pain that shot her body made her lie down again.

She wanted to cry in pain. She heard the voice next to her.

"I'm sorry. Hey, are you all right..."

She did not reply. She opened her eyes when she felt Jacob's hand on her shoulder. Their eyes met.